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Total Refinery Antwerp

Project Planner, Voith Ermo, Turnaround FCC-Plant, Total Refinery Antwerp, Belgium

START Date: 
September, 2010
END Date: 
February, 2011

-  Creating a possible work process with the management for the turnaround of the FCC-plant with Primavera 3.1

-  Create the project structure plan as basis for the FCC-plant

-  Restructure the activities which were already in the schedule

-  Complete the work process in the schedule

-  Linking the activities in a correct order together with the team members

Master Scheduler, Barnes-Diamant Sprl, Total Refinery Antwerp

START Date: 
August, 2006

Master scheduler for all maintenance interventions requiring unit shutdown / turnaround on the platform. Our maintenance cycle is 6 years during which time we preform 5 major interventions and several dozen smaller ones including;

  • 2 Nafta Cracker complexes
  • 2 FCCU complexes including one HF alkylation plant
  • CCR complex incl ARDS
  • Cat changes
  • Regular unit decoking / cleaning

I run a team of between 3 and 6 schedulers. TA Budget for planning and execution varies between 50 and 150 Million Euros per year (average +/- 75M euros)

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

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