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Port Hedland Inner Harbour Project

Assistant / Planning Engineer, Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG,Oman, Port Hedland Inner Harbour Project

START Date: 
July, 2012
 Job Responsibility: 1) To Plan project cost, resources required, duration of project( Budget ,yearly Budget) 2) To track the project and submit monthly planned Vrs Actual Report. 3) To submit Monthly Progress Report to client with records like (Site dairy ,RFI& Photos) 4) To ensure business plan by BMR (Business Monthly Review) 5) To make Schedule of project & Organization chart with demobilizing dates 6) To monitor the project by making ABPS (Activity Based planning Schedule) 7) To track materials submittal, approvals & consumption.

Assistant / Planning Engineer, Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG,Oman, Port Hedland Inner Harbour Project

START Date: 
July, 2012

§  Current employment   

Ø  Organization: Galfar Engineering & Contracting  SAOG, Oman

Ø  Project:1) Construction of fishery Harbour and buildings, Barka

               2) Construction of new jetty, wudam        

Senior Planner, Calibre Global, Port Hedland Inner Harbour Project

START Date: 
February, 2001
END Date: 
July, 2013

Senior Planner

Market Place

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