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Engaged as a sub consultant to different organization like Engineers India Ltd.

Founder / Owner, CMS Engineering Services, Engaged as a sub consultant to different organization like Engineers India Ltd., etc. Assisted them in des, Indomag Steel India Ltd., Lurgi India Company Ltd., Mecon (I) Ltd., Triune Projects Pvt. Ltd. (Now Saipe

START Date: 
February, 1996
END Date: 
February, 2001
Established this company and run it for 5 years (Feb 1996 ~ Feb 2001). CMS Engineering Services had been engaged as a sub consultant to different organization like Engineers India Ltd., Mecon (I) Ltd., Lurgi India Company Ltd., Triune Projects Pvt. Ltd. (Now Saipem Triune), Indomag Steel India Ltd., etc. Assisted them in design and detail engineering work, check fabrication drawings and prepared of bill of materials.
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

Market Place

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