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Easter Company Projects

Technical Office Engineer, ORASCOM CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES (OCI), Easter Company Projects

START Date: 
May, 2004
END Date: 
February, 2006

Technical Office Engineer

Orascom Construction Industries, May 2004 – Feb 2006
Working as a Technical Office Engineer at Orascom Construction Industries projects at Eastern Company industrial complex.

Projects Budgets:

1- 4 Stores & Administration building:           280,000,000 L.E.

2- Construction of Tobacco Factory building: 220,000,000 L.E.

Work included the following items:

Planning Engineer, ORASCOM CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES (OCI), Easter Company Projects

START Date: 
February, 2006
END Date: 
November, 2007

·Planning Engineer

Orascom Construction Industries, Feb 2006 – Nov 2007
Working as a planning engineer for OCI projects at Eastern Company industrial complex.

Projects Budgets:

 1- 4 Stores & Administration building:             280,000,000 L.E.

2- Construction of Tobacco Factory building:  220,000,000 L.E.

 Work include the following items:

Market Place

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