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Bradwell Power station decommissioning

Planning manager, Costain, Bradwell Power station decommissioning

START Date: 
March, 2011

Planning manager for Nuclear EPC contracts.  Role  involves forecating completion costs and dates.  Also preparing Client reports.

Planning manager, Costain, Bradwell Power station decommissioning

START Date: 
March, 2011

Planning manager for Nuclear EPC contracts.  Role  involves forecating completion costs and dates.  Also preparing Client reports.

Senior Planner, Jacobs Babtie Ltd, Bradwell Power station decommissioning

START Date: 
March, 2006
END Date: 
November, 2006


2006, March – November:  Jacobs Babtie, UK

Post of project planner for Jacobs Babtie as part of the British Nuclear Group (BNG) programme management team for the decommissioning Bradwell Nuclear power station, Essex, UK.  Using the software tool P3e; specific duties include the maintenance of programme integrity across a multiple project network including the critical path analysis.

  • OCNS security cleared April 2006

CDM Awareness training Sept 2006

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