Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project
Boris Bike Bid
Posted Fri, 2017-01-27 18:59 by Patrick Kennerson
January, 2016
- Implemented and monitored the use of business processes for the preparation of proposals, pre-qualification questionnaires, expressions of interest and offers made via framework contracts;
- Responsible for the compliance and quality of bids and proposals, ensuring the correct reviews were completed and documented in accordance with the bid-project lifecycle processes;
- Ensured that all documentation was completed and correctly filed so that proposals were delivered on time;
- Worked on partnership bids, collaborating with other BMT Operating Companies as
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling):
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Market Place
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Website Development by Hunt Data Solutions and Vit-al Interactive. CMS:
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Acquia Marina