Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we finalise the project


Schedule Manager, Black Construction Corporation, Airport

START Date: 
November, 2017

Prepared All neccessary documents related to project controls on scheduleing ang billing requirements for a project on a monthly basis.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

Project Controls Manager, Earth Tech, Airport, Manufacturing Facilites, High Tech Facilities

START Date: 
August, 1999
END Date: 
August, 2004

Project Controls Manager on various projects, responsibilites include development, updating, monitoring and forecasting of the schedule, WBS, budget allocation and earned value managment

Planning/Scheduler, EEI & MIESCOR, Transmission Line, Airport, Building, Mining

START Date: 
August, 2012



Planning, Uniarch, TCON, Kumar Builders, ETA, Al Ghurair Construction, Airport, Metro Rail, Hospital, Housing Projects, High rise Buildings,Stadium

START Date: 
July, 2003
END Date: 
June, 2015

A)     M/S AL GHURAIR CONSTRUCTION, UAE -  1 Year 5 Months

Role:                                              Lead Planner (Projects) 

Civil Engineer, NJS,HESTON INTERNATIONAL,GULF CONSULTANT, Building, sewage, airport, Airports and Roads

START Date: 
January, 1978


Position Applied for :CONSTRUCTION  ENGINEER/




          Name                    :         M.

planner, MDC, OHL, airport

START Date: 
June, 2013

Date: May 2012 to January 2013

Position: Planner/Scheduler

Project: 60 storey condominium

Duties and responsibilities:

Provide a coherent and meaningful construction schedule in P3 format.

planner, MDC, OHL, airport

START Date: 
June, 2013

Date: May 2012 to January 2013

Position: Planner/Scheduler

Project: 60 storey condominium

Duties and responsibilities:

Provide a coherent and meaningful construction schedule in P3 format.

planner, MDC, OHL, airport

START Date: 
June, 2013

Date: May 2012 to January 2013

Position: Planner/Scheduler

Project: 60 storey condominium

Duties and responsibilities:

Provide a coherent and meaningful construction schedule in P3 format.

Market Place

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