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Strategic Planner / Financial-Economic Planning Analyst

Strategic Planner / Financial-Economic Planning Analyst, Galderma R&D Inc., pharmaceutical compunds

START Date: 
December, 2011
END Date: 
April, 2010

Strategic Project Planner for Pharmaceutical Projects under Development 

Operational Planning, Strategic Planning, Resources Management

High skills with OPX2 Planning software

Strategic Planner / Financial-Economic Planning Analyst, Petrobras Internacional - Braspetro, Many oil, gas and manufacturing projects

START Date: 
May, 1985
END Date: 
April, 1987

Analyzed the feasibility and risk of international projects and capital investments, performed strategic planning, financial planning and analysis, financial-econometric modeling, budgeting, forecasting, project coordination, project finance and performance control, in the Planning Management (GEPLAN).
Projects: All projects under development in Braspetro’s subsidiaries. This included offshore/onshore exploration & production, petrochemical, industrial, manufacturing and commercial projects.

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