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Senior / Lead Project Planner

Senior / Lead Project Planner, CTEC, Rio Tinto Mine Expansion

START Date: 
January, 2012

As EPC Contractor - Development and execution of Rio Tinto Power Station Project($150m) project schedule.

Responsible for weekly progress reporting to client for major contractors performance as engineering and construction project phases.

Senior / Lead Project Planner, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Rare Earths Bankable Feasibility Study

START Date: 
April, 2011
END Date: 
August, 2011

Development of Rare Earths Bankable Feasibility Study for Arafura Resources($750m), Mine Infrastructure and Rare Earths Process Complex using P6

Senior / Lead Project Planner, Exxaro, Numerous Mining Projects

START Date: 
December, 2008
END Date: 
June, 2013

Planner on Numerous mining Projects, such as Shovel Rebuilds, New Mining Plants, Shut down Projects, Mine Dam Building, Medupi Mine Expansion

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