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Marketing and logistic intern

Marketing and logistic intern, creem simon, Company development

START Date: 
May, 2016
END Date: 
December, 2016

I worked in a start up of french cosmetic in Singapore. The main role of this company was to sell french products in Asia. i was in charged to : set up a logistic procedure in the compangny, set up a CRM and do some  improvement on the product and do marketing studies.

Marketing and logistic intern, creem simon, Company development

START Date: 
May, 2016
END Date: 
December, 2016

I worked in a start up of french cosmetic in Singapore. The main role of this company was to sell french products in Asia. i was in charged to : set up a logistic procedure in the compangny, set up a CRM and do some  improvement on the product and do marketing studies.

Market Place

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