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Financial Planner

Financial Planner, Office of the Premier KZN, government

START Date: 
June, 2009
END Date: 
May, 2010

Financial Planner/Financial Reporter

The Financial Planning and Report Unit is primarily tasked with the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) compilation for the Department, the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements, Cash Flow Management of the Department, monthly financial reporting to Provincial Treasury, and the preparation of other finance related documents which are distributed to relevant stakeholders.


Financial Planner, Office of the Premier KZN, government

START Date: 
June, 2009
END Date: 
May, 2010

Financial Planner/Financial Reporter

The Financial Planning and Report Unit is primarily tasked with the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) compilation for the Department, the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements, Cash Flow Management of the Department, monthly financial reporting to Provincial Treasury, and the preparation of other finance related documents which are distributed to relevant stakeholders.


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