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Contracts Commercial and Project COntrols Manager

Contracts Commercial and Project COntrols Manager, ALARGAN Internaional Real Estate Co., PPP PAWH packages

START Date: 
September, 2015
  • Position : Project Controls Manager(Real Estate Development Section)

     Senior Planning Engineer(Real Estate Development Section)

  • Company : Al-Argan International Real Estate Co. –Kuwait

  • Duration :from September - 2017   TILL Present

     from September - 2015   TILL September-2017

  • Job Responsibility:



Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

Contracts Commercial and Project COntrols Manager, MW Zander, Intel, China COnstruction Group, Intel Semiconductor Manufacturing Project

START Date: 
November, 2005
END Date: 
May, 2008

Commercial and Cost Management on the Construction of USD500Mill 2,000,000Sq Ft Wafer Manufacturing Facilities for Intel Semiconductors USA in Dalian PRC. Intel Investment Value was USD 2.3 Billion in China.

The Equivalent Construction Cost of the Project in Europe or USA would be USD1.5Bill. Investment Value would be USD3.3 Bill

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