Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project
Posted Sun, 2015-01-11 22:25 by David Straka
February, 1982
- Raytheon, Chemical Weapons Disposal Incinerator, Umatilla, OR ($1.3 billion) Scheduler for the general contractor constructing a new lethal chemical agent incinerator plant. Prepared cost and resource-loaded time impact analysis schedules for project change orders. Chaired the weekly superintendent schedule review meeting and produced the weekly craft-level “look ahead” work schedule. Updated the monthly cost-loaded billing schedule needed for pay applications.
- ACCI, Bellevue, WA As Senior Scheduler prepared schedule delay analysis and exhibits for expert witnesses.
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling):
Experience Hours (Cost Management):
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):
- Company:
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- Skills & Expertise:
Market Place
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