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Project Engineer, S.M.Construction,Goa,India, Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project (Rehabilitation of SH-93 Yellapura to Sirsi).

START Date: 
January, 2003
END Date: 
September, 2003

Karnataka State Highway Improvement   Project (Rehabilitation of SH-93 Yellapura to Sirsi).

Responsibility: Erection of Crusher plant, Wet mix plant, Hot Mix plant and Construction of Hume pipe Culverts, C&G, Road Excavation, Sub Grade, GSB, WMM, BM, Shoulder works, drains Etc.

Site Engineer, S.M.Construction,Goa,India, NH – 4 (Pune to Bangalore National Highway) four-way lines Project Package: IV-C (Chain age: 275+000 to 290+000).Davangere to Harihara.

START Date: 
January, 2002
END Date: 
December, 2002

Project:NH – 4 (Pune to Bangalore National Highway) four-way lines Project Package: IV-C (Chain age: 275+000 to

290+000).Davangere to Harihara.

Four way lines work such as Clearing & Grubbing, Embankment, Sub Grade, GSB, WMM, BM and utility ducts, Culverts etc.

Site Engineer, S.M.Constructions,Goa,India, Hemavathy Mini Hydel Project. Gorur, Hassan (dist) Karnataka.

START Date: 
January, 2001
END Date: 
December, 2001

Mini Hydel Project. Gorur, Hassan (dist) Karnataka.

Canal excavation 1.3 Km, Weir, Canal Regulator, Road works, Hume pipe culvert, penstock and Power house and Other Building constructions.

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