Guild of Project Controls: Compendium | Roles | Assessment | Certifications | Membership

Divine Word College of Calapan

Instructor, Divine Word College of Calapan, DWCC

START Date: 
June, 2011
END Date: 
January, 2012

Teach courses pertaining to the application of physical laws and principles of engineering for the development of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and services. Includes teachers of subjects, such as Reinforced Concrete Design, Solid Geometry, Analytic Geometry, Differential Calculus, Differential Equation, and Mechanics. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of both teaching and research.

Market Place

Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project books, on-line video training courses and training material available from an internationally recognised publisher. Teach yourself using on-line or book based learning or run your own in-house or public courses.
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