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A Practical approach to Baseline Programme Maintenance (Revised Baseline) under a NEC ECC Framework Contract

4 years 26 weeks ago

A Practical approach to Baseline Programme Maintenance (Revised Baseline) under a NEC ECC Framework Contract


This article aims to discuss the concept of the ‘Accepted Programme’ in the Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) and the New Engineering Contract (NEC) suite in general and its relationship to the baseline


Create Value: Map the Value Stream

4 years 29 weeks ago

If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.” W. Edwards Deming

Our work and home lives our bounded by standard operating procedures and process—and too many of them stink.  We all have encountered 


Delay Start-up Insurance to cover Anticipated Profit, Revenue in a Delayed Project

4 years 29 weeks ago

1. What is Delay Start-up Insurance (DSU)?

Delay in start-up (DSU) cover is designed to secure the portion of revenue which the owner:

  • Requires to service debt; and
  • Realize anticipated profit.

It provides protection against delays arising from physical damage caused by any type of peril included in the relevant


Making Complex Decision

4 years 33 weeks ago

“…when faced with a difficult question, we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution.”  Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow

In the midst of the pandemic, we have and will continue to face numerous 


Primavera p6 WBS grouping bands in excel

4 years 36 weeks ago

PLeae find the below Youtube link for the video how to prepare color bands of WBS in excel with one click


Feedback: The Right Way

4 years 37 weeks ago

Feedback is a critical and valuable management tool.  For managers, it is the engine of continuous improvement.   For employees, it is the gift of valuable insight.  

Unfortunately, many managers feel uncomfortable giving regular feedback, which deprives them of the ability to affect change.  And, many employees mistake feedback as criticism and


Be Productive by Focusing on Value

4 years 42 weeks ago

Productivity is defined as our ability to create value.  Traditionally manufacturers and farmers became more productive by adding resources—people and machines—to the process.  Knowledge workers can generate more value by working smarter, rather than harder.  

The massive shift to remote work caused by the pandemic has exposed complexities and inefficiencies in


Higher-level Iris technological innovation to get bio metric is prepared to principle with

4 years 47 weeks ago

At 1980's age, doctor Leonard Flom along with two Aron Safir unearthed it can be used by us to get identification of these people plus there aren't any similarities among two Iris in twins. The theory was first founded on Iris analysis. And we make utilize of this particular tech in authentication Unit's idea. Iris Technology's idea lets us recognize the individuality of exactly the owner. We


Leadership in the Time of Coronavirus

4 years 47 weeks ago

The coronavirus pandemic is the most frightening, disruptive, and widespread crisis of our lifetime.  As managers and leaders, none of us have faced challenges of such a magnitude or scale.  Over the next several weeks and probably months, our teams will look to us for guidance, support, and leadership. 

In this article, I draw from my experience managing teams


Agile Project Governance: It Should be Easy

4 years 50 weeks ago

Many organizations struggle with project governance, oversight, and control.  The truth is that most projects are not successful.   Over the past 25-years, only 30% of all projects are delivered on-time, on-budget, and with the desired scope.  

Traditional waterfall projects


Market Place

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