Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we finalise the project

Senior IT Consultant, AARP, AARP – Life and Work reimagined websites modernization

START Date: 
October, 2013
END Date: 
March, 2014

Working in Agile team. Fast planning - fast implementation. Collecting and analyzing requirements,  identifying stakeholders, collecting requirements, narrowing and documenting project’s deliverables. Defined and documented projects objectives, milestones and success criteria. Lessons learned – the work of developers which spread up geographically and leave in different time zones can be organized in the way that development process can be performed almost 24 hours per day. Implementation of this concept accelerated the development process without adding additional resources and saved development time for 600 hours (3 working weeks for 5 developers) and project cost;