Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we finalise the project

ANALYST / PLANNING ENGINEER, Megawide Construction Corporation, Shang Salcedo Place

START Date: 
November, 2011

analyse maps, existing drawings, blue prints and other data to properly pin point external factors and environment conditions to identify engineering problems and assess the potential impact of the projects. Develop project objectives by reviewing project proposals and plans. Determines project specification by studying structural design, customer requirements and performance standards. Prepare technical studies and estimate of quantities and costs of materials, equipment, and labour to determine project feasibility. Define project schedule events, programs and activities. Supervise construction, operation, and maintenance activities at project site. Monitor project site/s progress and ensure conformance to design specification; government, safety and sanitation standards. Maintains safe and clean working environment by enforcing procedures, rules, and regulations. Communicate with supervisors, peers, or subordinates provide technical advice reports on design, construction, or program modifications and structural repairs. Accomplish the project with utmost commitment to customer satisfaction and value engineering.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):