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Construction Project Planner / Senior Planner / Forensic Analyst, TODINI, Motorway A3 - LOT1: OUED ZARGA - RHAYETTE 18.450 Km

START Date: 
March, 2010
Ahmed HAMMAMI Boumhel_Street of Indonesia_PO BOX # 17ZIP Code 2097 Ben Arous Tunisiamobile:e-Mail:+216 52 197 326 - TUNi.hammami.ahmed@gmail.comTUNISIA  10 January , 2015  Page: 1 / 3Scheduler/Planner  Seeking position as a Project Planner1.) BACKGROUND / SYNOPSISFascinated by civil engineering, too young I have been involved in the construction world, I tried to learn as much as possible. I assumed too different role; Surveyor Quantity,  Field Surveyor, Cost Estimator, Scheduler/Planner.  I always was anxious to keep up my knowledge in civil engineering with the same level of my knowledge in project management. My major focus is the construction project (Motorway,  Full infrastructures; including sewage network, water supplying and roads, Concrete Work & Building).  But I still always interested to join the petroleum world to perform my knowledge as a planner in a different field.Mobility will not be a big deal, I use to work in  a  several project in different location such as (TUNIS Urban Center, SFAX, OUED ZARGA (TUNISIA) & MURZUQ (Southern area/Desert) in LIBYA.Ahmed HAMMAMI:Planner/SchedulerCost Controller OfficerBenchmark:1.  Teaching: I teach planning at the ENSIT (National Higher school of Engineering in Tunis): Workshop for Primavera P6users (including course of PERT and rules of schedule using GANT CHART). 2.  Start up:  Creating the Planning and Cost Control office in the company .3.  Team leading:  Coaching and leading the office team members.4.  Work lane: Procedure Implementation of Monitoring (Timesheets & progress chart) and collecting data from the site5.  Role: Responsible for the project planning of the company to the Department of Production Overseas; Area #2 (DPO2) in Italy, Rome.6.  Scheduling: Creating realistic plan in order to reflect the real progress in the site (Using Primavera P6).7.  Monitoring: More than 2500 tasks Handled with success.8.  Production: Keeping up the BOQ updated inside the schedule (Quantities Distributions) in order to Survey Quantities of work (Planned Vs. actual). 9.  Rate surveying: assessment of the production rate and creating a DB of rate (Data base).10.  Reporting: Keeping up managers and the PMO (Project Management Office) with the actual state of the project. Ability to report in French & English (Weekly/Monthly report using Power point).My plan Coordinates:1.  Availability:  One month after the agreement on the terms of the new contract 2.  Mobility / use location:  International (Outdoor/indoor)3.  Major focus project roles:   Planner, Cost Controller4.  Major focus PM modules:    Plan + Monitoring + Controlling + Performing Work (Schedule & Cost) + Risk Performance spectrum:1.  GANT chart2.  PERT Program of evaluation and review technique 3.  Scheduling using critical path method CPM4.  Schedule analysis of the critical path and parallel paths; assess logical sequence in search of the hidden risk.5.  Planning and scheduling using Primavera P6 6.  Overall planning and monitoring of labor, non-labor, material and cost 7.  Edit the Monthly Cash chart flow (output/input) 8.  Distribution of quantities due the plan in order to survey quantities along project’s life.9.  Edit daily report Timesheet for monitoring 10.  Program update within required Data Date (Weakly Time now line)11.  Providing managers with required look ahead of the upcoming tasks in order to meet schedule.12.  Claim assessment of actual progress compared to planned progress Milestones.13.  Cost & Production monitoring ( Actual Vs. Budgeted)14.  Troubleshoots and highlight the case of lag to discusswith team managers. 15.  Rate analysis and storing in data base16.  Compare the Actual rates with those calculated within the detailed price in the contract.17.  Discuss the lowest rate to avoid the current risk18.  Highlight critical issues to discuss and to resolve before it impacts the whole project progress. (Using threshold and issue in Primavera P6).19.  Make some corrective action; perform the production rate focusing on the critical path with the current or additional resources in order to reach the target. 20.  Cost Control of the main work items in the contract (Concrete Work, Earth Work…)Technical Skills:-  Schedule using Primavera P6.(Using advanced command and method)-  AutoCAD Drawer; Drawing sheet of reinforced concrete structure (Formwork, steel of reinforcement).-  Price detailing using Excel or BATIGEST PME.-  Cost estimating.-  Quantity Surveying; Monthly or Master BOQ (Bills of Quantities).-  Very good skills in Excel tool (Using advanced command & macro).Ahmed HAMMAMI Boumhel_Street of Indonesia_PO BOX # 17ZIP Code 2097 Ben Arous Tunisiamobile:e-Mail:+216 52 197 326 - TUNi.hammami.ahmed@gmail.comTUNISIA  10 January , 2015  Page: 2 / 3Scheduler/Planner  Seeking position as a Project Planner2.) QUALIFICATIONSHere you find out my qualifications described in detail:Born:Nationality:given birth on 15-11-1988 in Riadh, KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)TunisianEducation:  2010-2012: Master Degree: Civil Engineering (M2)Management and Monitoring of Construction ProjectISTEUB / ISCU (Higher Institute of construction and urban planning) / “Major of promotion” 2007-2010:  Degree on Civil Engineering ISTEUB / ISCU (Higher Institute of Construction and Urban planning )2006-2007:  Bachelor Degree in Experimental ScienceHigh school Essalem city, Boumhel, TUNISIA Thesis:  Master’s thesis: Design, planning and monitoring of a high standard for commercial and office use(Project: Elysium EL MOUROUJ based in EL MOUROUJ 3)Degree project: Analysis and assessment of sewage network in Tunis urban center and integration of technical roofs storingVocational Training:  „ PRIMAVERA (P6) SOFTWARE USER ” in the context of the project managing"(This training was provided by FCS)Recommendation / Testimonial:Mr. GIANLUCA MINCIARELLI: SALINI SPA PLANNING MANAGERIs a very skilled resource in the micro-management (resource time/cost management). He could be utilized as strategic and forensic planning due to his straight method and creative approachPublished on LinkedIn as a recommendation: July 21, 2014, GIANLUCA managed Ahmed indirectly at Todini Costruzioni Generali SpaPM-projects:    My performance spectrum for PM projects using Primavera® P6™: Forensic planning services using Primavera® P6™ software. Construction planning capability includes:1.  Ability to plan a project to reflect the project WBS2.  Use of cost breakdown structure in the schedule for cash flow forecasting3.  Use of resource allocation for planning workforce requirements and accommodation demand4.  Development and tracking of the critical path activities5.  Look ahead and exception reporting6.  Developing cost and schedule performance indices7.  Producing schedule risk mitigation strategiesForensic Planning capability includes:8.  Ability to determine issues to be researched based on client brief9.  Determination of all relevant facts associated with an issue to provide a coherent chronological account of events associated with a delay10.  Model delays using appropriate modeling methodology11.  Report impact of delays and extension of time entitlements12.  Determine cost impact of delaysTools, Software:PRIMAVERA P6, MS PROJECT, Autodesk NAVISWORK MANAGE, AUTOCAD Autodesk ROBOT CBS; Concrete Building Structure, Graitec ARCH, PISTE 5…MS Office Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher…) Languages:Arabic as a mother tongue    French as a second language; Fluent. English professional English confirmed by the latest two professional experiences.Ahmed HAMMAMI Boumhel_Street of Indonesia_PO BOX # 17ZIP Code 2097 Ben Arous Tunisiamobile:e-Mail:+216 52 197 326 - TUNi.hammami.ahmed@gmail.comTUNISIA  10 January , 2015  Page: 3 / 3Scheduler/Planner  Seeking position as a Project Planner3.) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEHere you find out my experience detailed as below:October.14 – up todayENSIT: ECOLE NATIONAL SUPERIEUR D’INGENIEUR DE TUNISNATIONAL HIGHER SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING IN TUNISTEACHING. PLANNING METHODOLOGIEWORKSHOP (ROAD & CONSTRUCTION PROJECT) FOR PRIMAVERA P6 USERS-  Scheduling rules using GANT chart.-  Workshop planning and monitoring of a road project including concrete work. -  Schedule analysis cost & time using CPM “Critical Path Method”Mars.14 – August.14 Project suspended because of the war,AL-TATWEER FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENTSUBSUDIARY COMPANY  OF POULINA HOLDING - LIBYA-MURZUQ  (SOUTHERN AREA)PROJET. CONSTRUCTION OF FULL INFRASTRUCTURE IN MURZUQ SHABIAA: MURZUQ TOWN AND SUBURB / FOUNGHEL TOWN AND SUBURB-  Inspection of the work state (sewage network, water supplying and roads) realized before revolution of February 17th 2011 and assessment of damages.-  Assets the actual state of the project and creating the technical office. -  Estimate cost of work and overview of the  forecast outputs/inputs of the whole project.Janu.13 – Mar.14 May.13 – Mar.14Janu.13 - May.13TODINI COSTRUZIONI GENERALI S.p.A SUBSUDIARY COMPANY OF GRUPPO SALINI - IMPREGILO ENTREPRISE.SENIOR PLANNER & COST CONTROLLER OFFICERResponsible of the project planning of the company for the DPO_Area #2  in ItalyMotorway A3 - LOT1: OUED ZARGA - RHAYETTE 18.450 Km: -  Creating the planning and cost control office.-  Planning, monitoring and controlling project using PRIMAVERA P6.-  Cost Control of the main work items in the contract (Concrete & Earth Work…)Motorway A1 - LOT1 & LOT2: SFAX - GABES: Lot 1 (Sfax Nord - Sfax Sud) & Lot2  (Sfax Sud - El Mahres) 51.68 Km - Technical Office Manager Coordinator/Quantity surveying (Concrete Work).- Scheduling and progress updating using PRIMAVERA P6.- Edit inspection request and field order (Setting out concrete work)Nov.14 – up today   SERVITRA- CIVIL WORKSSUBSUDIARY COMPANY OF SERVICOM GROUPSENIOR PLANNER -  Managing projects plan of the company (Roads, Rural tracks and building).-  Keeping up work flow system (IBM Lotus Note software) with updated plan for client-  Making quarter target for projects managers (Quantities, Receipts & targeted margin).Mar.10 - Feb.12  NORD BAT CO. SPECIALISING IN BUILDING.Attached to the technical direction -  Cost estimation & price detailing.-  Scheduling and progress updating using PRIMAVERA P6.-  Quantity surveyor and technical Office Coordinator between site and direction.My role allowed me to contribute in several project: PAF ETIRET « Borj Cedria », PONDEUSE POULINA « Oued Zarga » & Edition spécialisé les pages jaunes.May.09 - jun.09    SAWAB PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTInternship: Quality surveyor in site.