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Assistant Planner or Planning Engineer, M/s SHILPI ENGINEERING PVT LTD, Reactor & its Structural Module Reaction 350MT, Manali Refinery, Chennai

START Date: 
May, 2011

Work Experience (5 Years):


Shilpi Engineering Private Limited, Navi Mumbai


2016 [From Dec]

Project: Reactor & its Structural Module Reaction 350MT, Manali Refinery, Chennai.

Client  : Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Value  : 3.36 crore

 Prepared and got approval of equipment erection scheme and Lift plan of structural module assembly. Then arranged the mobilization of tools & tackles, manpower & Crane. Took survey of crane component’s unloading space, assembly area and ground flooring condition. Prepared the schedule for the structural assembly (Fit-up & welding) and follow up crane transportation, planning the scheme for crane assembly. After the successful completion of reactor erection, monitoring the Structural platform assemble job and making note on additional and extra work.


2015 [Aug to Dec]

Project: OHCU Amine Area Project, Manali Refinery, Chennai.

Client  : Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Value  : 4 crore

 Prepared and got approval of job schedule for the new post Shutdown job (Piping, Structural support & Equipment Erections) in New Amine Area. Utilized the available tools & tackles in site, allocated the working shift with minimum requirement. Then maintained the planned progress, conducting Weekly meetings for reviewing the job and raising the RA bill. After completion of job, submitted the Final bill with material reconciliation.


2015 [June to July]

Project: OHCU Revamp Project, Manali Refinery, Chennai.

Phase 2: Shutdown June2015.

Client  : Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Value  : 8 crore

 Prepared and got approval of job schedule (23days S/D) for main shutdown activities. Prepared the required tools & tackles list, allocation of internal working shift. Submitted the Safe plan and Lifting plan of erection for heavy equipment. Then maintained the planned progress, mailing to clients, conducting daily meetings and providing feed back to the staffs for earlier completion and also maintained the documents and raised the RA bill. Claimed with detailed justification for the extra jobs (excluding the Work-order) to the clients.



2015 [March to May]

Project: OHCU Revamp Project, Manali Refinery, Chennai.

Phase 1: Pre-Shutdown Activities.

Client  : Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Value  : 3 crore

 Prepared the planning for pre-shutdown activities of line released by the operation department such as Piping, Equipment (Dismantling & Erection), Column Erection (Cap. 85MT) & Rotary Pump (Dismantling & Erection), allocation of staffs and suitable manpower for the job, list of tools & tackles etc. Then maintaining the planned progress as it and providing remarks to staffs for earlier completion of the planned job and also maintained the job related documents and raised the RA bill. After completion of job, submitted the Final bill with material reconciliation.


2014 [Jan to Feb]


Project: EOEG/EBN Plant, Nagothane, Mumbai.

Nature:Shutdown Job

Client  : Reliance Industrial Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Value  : 5 crore

 Prepared the Shutdown plan and got approval from the clients. The prepared the requirements of tools & tackles and manpower with site incharge. Scheduled the internal working shift. Maintained the site documentation paper, conducting daily meeting, weekly review meeting with clients and raised Running Account Bill. After completion of job, submitted the Final bill with material reconciliation.


2013 [Sep to December]

Project: EOEG/EBN Plant, Nagothane, Mumbai.


Client  : Reliance Industrial Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Value  : 15 crore

 Handled site planning for the DBN project with total manpower of 550, maintained Quality Inspection Reports and site documentation paper for auditing and submitting a monthly Running Account Bill on time. Then After completion of job, submitted the Final bill with material reconciliation.


SPAC Power Engineering India Private Limited, Chennai



2012:2013[Mar to July]


Project: 1000 MT Piping and Piping Structural Project, Thiruchendur.

Client  : Coromental Engineering Company Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Planning engineer for piping and structural work with around 120 workers. Handled piping job schedule and manpower allocation for job. Completed the job on time. Effectively maintained the all documents with effective RA bills.


2011:2012[Sep to Mar]


Project: 2 X 20 MW DG Power Plant, Hyderabad

Client  : Wartsila India Limited

Role     : Planning Engineer

Planning engineer for the 2x20MW DG power plant project with around 40 workers. Managed to complete the project within given time. Maintained all the documents, daily progress report and passed a bill for the work. Awarded for best Planning Engineer for the quartering year.


2011[May to September]

Project: Chennai Airport Modernization Project

Client  : Consolidated Construction Consortium Limited

Role     : Engineer Trainee

Planning engineer trainee for the Chennai Airport Modernization Project with senior engineers. Learned about allocation of jobs, nature of jobs, quality inspection techniques, list of store materials, worker handling, layout & manufacturing drawings and all type of quality documents.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):