technical Consulatant, Brega petroleum marketing co, & Oil & Gas Projects Infrastructurus Storage tanks
- From 1989 Till 1992.
Brega petroleum marketing Co.
Site engineer of central work shop project.
- From 1992 Till 1993.
Brega petroleum marketing Co.
Site engineer of LPG bottling plant project.
- From 1993 Till 1995.
Brega Petroleum marketing Co.
Site engineer of LPG maintenance project -Tripoli.
- From 1995 Till 2004.
Brega petroleum marketing Co.
Planning engineer.
- From 2004 - 2008
Brega petroleum marketing Co.
Co-ordinator of design & engineering department.
- Lecturer for operation Research in Libyan management
Institute /zawia) from 2004-2012
- Quality and Inspection Controller for Brega Company from 2009-2011
Technical Consultant at Brega from (2011-Presesnt)
- Company:
- Industry:
- Job Role:
- Project:
- Region:
- Skills & Expertise: