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Project Director, Verano Engenheria, Project in mining, %26 Oil %26 Gas Projects 2) Buildings 3) Infrastructure

START Date: 
January, 1994

Personal Data

Name: Jorge Luis Rossini
Nationality: Argentine
Address: Matilde Salamanca 910, Apto 203, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
Phone: 56 (9) 68461461


CivilEngineer and Doctor of Business Administration.
University of Buenos Aires.


Spanish, English and Portuguese, the three fluent.

Experience in Software

AllOffice, Suite Primavera products,Prism Project Management and Ecosys

Member of PMI USA since 1997

Conference Presentation

·        11/2015 Calcutation of the return of investment of the implementation of a Project Cost Control. Webex

·        3/2015 Maturity level in the implementation of a Project Cost Control Software, PMI Lima

·        9/2014 Speaker in the EcoSys User Meeting in Denver, Colorado.

·        2/2014 Keynote speaker in the PMI Santiago Chapter in Santiago de Chile, Chile.

·        11/2013 Keynote speaker in the PMI Mendoza Chapter in Mendoza, Argentina.

·        4/2013 Keynote speaker in the AACE meeting in Santiago, Chile

·        3/2013 Keynote speaker in the AACE meeting in São Paulo, Brazil.

·        2/2013 Keynote speaker in Chiyoda Seminar in Tokyo, Japan.

·        5/2012 Intergraph Conference in Yokohama, Japan

o   Integration of Prism with Primavera

·        5/2012 Intergraph Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

o   Integration of Prism with Primavera

·        8/2011 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Mexico City.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2010 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima and Arequipa, Peru.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2009 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima, Peru.

o   Estimate software and integrated planning

·        6/2009 World PM Magazine   

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        11/2008 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima, Perú.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2007 PMI Latin América Global Congress in Cancun, México

o   Qualitative and quantitative risk management using Pertmaster.

·        06/2007 PMI Vitória Chapter

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2006 PMI Latin América Global Congress in Santiago de Chile

o   Qualitative and quantitative risk management using Pertmaster..

·        08/2006 PMI Espíritu Santo Chapter

o   Managing Portfolios and Programs

·        05/2006 PMI Goiânia Chapter

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        11/2005 PMI São Paulo Chapter

o   Concentric Project Management

·        10/2005 PMI Minas Gerais Chapter

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        03/2005 PMI Espiritu Santo Chapter

o   The 7 habits of an effective project


Professor of Construction Audit between 1983 and 1996

Organizer of the First International Seminar of toolsProject Management

Professor of Scheduling and Cost in the MBA of Project Managementfor the Engineering University of Lima, Peru from February 2013 up to now.

Detail Resume.

Performance in Chile

Cima Project Management

 February 2013 to present day. Latin America Director

ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile,  Peru, Ecuador, Colombia).

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Ecosys and Primavera.

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Prism and Primavera.

ü  Implementation of Project Management Methodology in Mining Industries and Oil & Gas

ü  Implementation of the Methodology Collaboration Project Management in Client using Primavera and Ecosys.

ü  Advice on implementation of Primavera  to clients such as Codelco, Angloamerica, Sandvick Optimiza, Enap, Petroamazonas, Petroecuador, and so on.

Performance in Brazil

Ares Corporation

Owners of the software Prism for Managing Projects

April 2011 to March 2013. Latin America Regional Director

ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia & Venezuela).

ü  Direct sales to large customers.

ü  Training Client in Prism.

ü  Consulting implementation of Prism.

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Prism and Primavera.

ü  Implementation of Project Management Methodology in Mining Industries and Oil & Gas

ü  Implementation of the Methodology Collaboration Project Management in Client using Primavera and Prism.


Verano Engenharia Comercio, Exportação e Importação Ltda

Representatives of Primavera Systems in Brazil

ÄAugust 2004 to March 2011. Director.

Goals Accomplished


ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America

ü  Implementation of sales channels in Brazil.

ü  Direct sales companies in large Oil & Gas and Mining.

ü  Organization of conferences.

ü  Implementing solutions in engineering project management and information technology.

ü  Advice on implementation of project management methodology for clients such as Petrobras, Vale, Goldfields, Angloamerican, Embraer, MMX, Rio Tinto, and so on.


Loreto Construcciones y Gerenciamiento

ÄJanuary 2001 – 2004 Project Director

Goals Accomplished

ü  Same as in the previous position.

ü  Analysis of economic and financial viability of projects.

ü  Managing project of Construction in Industries and Real State.


Projects and Works executed:


ü  Condos Casa Grande I, II, and III. (67, 109 and 16 houses - Total 17,800 m2)

ü  Porto do Sol Condominium (119 houses Total 8,200 m2)

ü  Neighborhood Residential Metal Mining Company - Grupo Votorantim (100 houses Total 9,300 m2)

ü  Tetra Pack Club (total area 2,500 m2)

ü  Zôo Ventura Theme Park - Brasilia


Parque Temático Playcenter (Hopi Hari)

ÄJanuary  1998 – December 2000    Project Director           


Total area of ​​65,000 m2 theme park

Civil works, electrical, hydraulics, assembly and themed games.

Goals Accomplished

ü  Implementation Methodology and Project Control (PGI)

ü  Project Implementation Safety at Work - Organization - Cleaning.

ü  Implementing Total Quality Management in Projects on site.

ü  .Budgeting and budgetary control.

ü  Strategic planning of cash flow.
Coordination of executive projects.

ü  Implementation of master and detailed schedule. (Primavera)

ü  Implementation of critical pathways.

ü  Recruitment of staff management.

ü  Preparation of specifications and contracts.

ü  Process Implementation and project management procedures in project

·        Planning and Project Quality.

·        Planning Organization.

·        Communications Planning.

·        Contingency Planning, identifying, quantifying and
risk mitigation

·        Development of procedures for:

o   Procurement and contracting.

o   Accounts payable and payments.

o   Control measurements and work progress.
Technical Files.

o   Nonconformities.

o   Conclusion of Contracts and Projects Procedure provides guidelines to terminate contracts with suppliers.

o   Property security.

ü  Implementation of integrated planning - budget - control of contracts - accounts payable.

ü  Remote Project Management (USA - Germany)

ü  Implementation of Security Procedures - Organization - Local Cleaning work.

ü  Organization of work for quality. (Project 5S)

ü  Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and Environmental Impact (RIMA)

ü  Board reporting to do Playcenter Group.

ü  Direct relationship with government, municipal and supervisory entities.





ÄJuly 1996 – December 1997                      Project Leader


Construction of the Sergipe Factory. Total Area 55,000m2
Phasetwo ofthe factory inRio deJaneiro: 125.000 m2

Civil works, electrical, hydraulics, assembly line production.

Goals met (same as Playcenter Theme Park)


Implementation of Methodology for Managing Project in order to reducedconstruction timeof a factoryof 22to17 months

  • Delivery of the factory on time and budget with return of 5% contingency.
  • Finish of the construction withworkaccident rate50%below the meanof the corporation




ÄJuly 1995 – June 1996                   Consultant expert in Projects Management  


Goals Accomplished


ü  Re-structuring of the Industrial Department.

ü  Implementation Methodology of Planning and Investment Management (PGI)

ü  Unification of all the projects in the same methodology.

ü  Implementation of corporate processes and procedures.

ü  Implementation of procedures to increase productivity in the construction and assembly.




ÄJune 1994 – December1994                      Project Leader


Personal Data

Name: Jorge Luis Rossini
Nationality: Argentine
Address: Matilde Salamanca 910, Apto 203, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
Phone: 56 (9) 68461461


CivilEngineer and Doctor of Business Administration.
University of Buenos Aires.


Spanish, English and Portuguese, the three fluent.

Experience in Software

AllOffice, Suite Primavera products,Prism Project Management and Ecosys

Member of PMI USA since 1997

Conference Presentation

·        11/2015 Calcutation of the return of investment of the implementation of a Project Cost Control. Webex

·        3/2015 Maturity level in the implementation of a Project Cost Control Software, PMI Lima

·        9/2014 Speaker in the EcoSys User Meeting in Denver, Colorado.

·        2/2014 Keynote speaker in the PMI Santiago Chapter in Santiago de Chile, Chile.

·        11/2013 Keynote speaker in the PMI Mendoza Chapter in Mendoza, Argentina.

·        4/2013 Keynote speaker in the AACE meeting in Santiago, Chile

·        3/2013 Keynote speaker in the AACE meeting in São Paulo, Brazil.

·        2/2013 Keynote speaker in Chiyoda Seminar in Tokyo, Japan.

·        5/2012 Intergraph Conference in Yokohama, Japan

o   Integration of Prism with Primavera

·        5/2012 Intergraph Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

o   Integration of Prism with Primavera

·        8/2011 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Mexico City.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2010 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima and Arequipa, Peru.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2009 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima, Peru.

o   Estimate software and integrated planning

·        6/2009 World PM Magazine   

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        11/2008 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima, Perú.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2007 PMI Latin América Global Congress in Cancun, México

o   Qualitative and quantitative risk management using Pertmaster.

·        06/2007 PMI Vitória Chapter

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2006 PMI Latin América Global Congress in Santiago de Chile

o   Qualitative and quantitative risk management using Pertmaster..

·        08/2006 PMI Espíritu Santo Chapter

o   Managing Portfolios and Programs

·        05/2006 PMI Goiânia Chapter

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        11/2005 PMI São Paulo Chapter

o   Concentric Project Management

·        10/2005 PMI Minas Gerais Chapter

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        03/2005 PMI Espiritu Santo Chapter

o   The 7 habits of an effective project


Professor of Construction Audit between 1983 and 1996

Organizer of the First International Seminar of toolsProject Management

Professor of Scheduling and Cost in the MBA of Project Managementfor the Engineering University of Lima, Peru from February 2013 up to now.


Detail Resume.

Performance in Chile

Cima Project Management


  •  February 2013 to present day. Latin America Director

ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile,  Peru, Ecuador, Colombia).

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Ecosys and Primavera.

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Prism and Primavera.

ü  Implementation of Project Management Methodology in Mining Industries and Oil & Gas

ü  Implementation of the Methodology Collaboration Project Management in Client using Primavera and Ecosys.

ü  Advice on implementation of Primavera  to clients such as Codelco, Angloamerica, Sandvick Optimiza, Enap, Petroamazonas, Petroecuador, and so on.

Performance in Brazil

Ares Corporation

Owners of the software Prism for Managing Projects


  • April 2011 to March 2013. Latin America Regional Director

ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia & Venezuela).

ü  Direct sales to large customers.

ü  Training Client in Prism.

ü  Consulting implementation of Prism.

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Prism and Primavera.

ü  Implementation of Project Management Methodology in Mining Industries and Oil & Gas

ü  Implementation of the Methodology Collaboration Project Management in Client using Primavera and Prism.



Verano Engenharia Comercio, Exportação e Importação Ltda

Representatives of Primavera Systems in Brazil


ÄAugust 2004 to March 2011. Director.


Goals Accomplished


ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America

ü  Implementation of sales channels in Brazil.

ü  Direct sales companies in large Oil & Gas and Mining.

ü  Organization of conferences.

ü  Implementing solutions in engineering project management and information technology.

ü  Advice on implementation of project management methodology for clients such as Petrobras, Vale, Goldfields, Angloamerican, Embraer, MMX, Rio Tinto, and so on.


Loreto Construcciones y Gerenciamiento


ÄJanuary 2001 – 2004 Project Director


Goals Accomplished


ü  Same as in the previous position.

ü  Analysis of economic and financial viability of projects.

ü  Managing project of Construction in Industries and Real State.


Projects and Works executed:


ü  Condos Casa Grande I, II, and III. (67, 109 and 16 houses - Total 17,800 m2)

ü  Porto do Sol Condominium (119 houses Total 8,200 m2)

ü  Neighborhood Residential Metal Mining Company - Grupo Votorantim (100 houses Total 9,300 m2)

ü  Tetra Pack Club (total area 2,500 m2)

ü  Zôo Ventura Theme Park - Brasilia



Parque Temático Playcenter (Hopi Hari)


ÄJanuary  1998 – December 2000    Project Director           


Total area of ​​65,000 m2 theme park

Civil works, electrical, hydraulics, assembly and themed games.

Goals Accomplished

ü  Implementation Methodology and Project Control (PGI)

ü  Project Implementation Safety at Work - Organization - Cleaning.

ü  Implementing Total Quality Management in Projects on site.

ü  .Budgeting and budgetary control.

ü  Strategic planning of cash flow.
Coordination of executive projects.

ü  Implementation of master and detailed schedule. (Primavera)

ü  Implementation of critical pathways.

ü  Recruitment of staff management.

ü  Preparation of specifications and contracts.

ü  Process Implementation and project management procedures in project

·        Planning and Project Quality.

·        Planning Organization.

·        Communications Planning.

·        Contingency Planning, identifying, quantifying and
risk mitigation

·        Development of procedures for:

o   Procurement and contracting.

o   Accounts payable and payments.

o   Control measurements and work progress.
Technical Files.

o   Nonconformities.

o   Conclusion of Contracts and Projects Procedure provides guidelines to terminate contracts with suppliers.

o   Property security.


ü  Implementation of integrated planning - budget - control of contracts - accounts payable.

ü  Remote Project Management (USA - Germany)

ü  Implementation of Security Procedures - Organization - Local Cleaning work.

ü  Organization of work for quality. (Project 5S)

ü  Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and Environmental Impact (RIMA)

ü  Board reporting to do Playcenter Group.

ü  Direct relationship with government, municipal and supervisory entities.





ÄJuly 1996 – December 1997                      Project Leader


Construction of the Sergipe Factory. Total Area 55,000m2
Phasetwo ofthe factory inRio deJaneiro: 125.000 m2

Civil works, electrical, hydraulics, assembly line production.

Goals met (same as Playcenter Theme Park)



  • Implementation of Methodology for Managing Project in order to reducedconstruction timeof a factoryof 22to17 months
  • Delivery of the factory on time and budget with return of 5% contingency.
  • Finish of the construction withworkaccident rate50%below the meanof the corporation




ÄJuly 1995 – June 1996                   Consultant expert in Projects Management  


Goals Accomplished


ü  Re-structuring of the Industrial Department.

ü  Implementation Methodology of Planning and Investment Management (PGI)

ü  Unification of all the projects in the same methodology.

ü  Implementation of corporate processes and procedures.

ü  Implementation of procedures to increase productivity in the construction and assembly.




ÄJune 1994 – December1994                      Project Leader


Personal Data

Name: Jorge Luis Rossini
Nationality: Argentine
Address: Matilde Salamanca 910, Apto 203, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
Phone: 56 (9) 68461461


CivilEngineer and Doctor of Business Administration.
University of Buenos Aires.


Spanish, English and Portuguese, the three fluent.

Experience in Software

AllOffice, Suite Primavera products,Prism Project Management and Ecosys

Member of PMI USA since 1997

Conference Presentation

·        11/2015 Calcutation of the return of investment of the implementation of a Project Cost Control. Webex

·        3/2015 Maturity level in the implementation of a Project Cost Control Software, PMI Lima

·        9/2014 Speaker in the EcoSys User Meeting in Denver, Colorado.

·        2/2014 Keynote speaker in the PMI Santiago Chapter in Santiago de Chile, Chile.

·        11/2013 Keynote speaker in the PMI Mendoza Chapter in Mendoza, Argentina.

·        4/2013 Keynote speaker in the AACE meeting in Santiago, Chile

·        3/2013 Keynote speaker in the AACE meeting in São Paulo, Brazil.

·        2/2013 Keynote speaker in Chiyoda Seminar in Tokyo, Japan.

·        5/2012 Intergraph Conference in Yokohama, Japan

o   Integration of Prism with Primavera

·        5/2012 Intergraph Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

o   Integration of Prism with Primavera

·        8/2011 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Mexico City.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2010 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima and Arequipa, Peru.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2009 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima, Peru.

o   Estimate software and integrated planning

·        6/2009 World PM Magazine   

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        11/2008 PMI Latin America Global Congress in Lima, Perú.

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2007 PMI Latin América Global Congress in Cancun, México

o   Qualitative and quantitative risk management using Pertmaster.

·        06/2007 PMI Vitória Chapter

o   The 7 habits of an effective project

·        11/2006 PMI Latin América Global Congress in Santiago de Chile

o   Qualitative and quantitative risk management using Pertmaster..

·        08/2006 PMI Espíritu Santo Chapter

o   Managing Portfolios and Programs

·        05/2006 PMI Goiânia Chapter

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        11/2005 PMI São Paulo Chapter

o   Concentric Project Management

·        10/2005 PMI Minas Gerais Chapter

o   Implement projects with Primavera

·        03/2005 PMI Espiritu Santo Chapter

o   The 7 habits of an effective project


Professor of Construction Audit between 1983 and 1996

Organizer of the First International Seminar of toolsProject Management

Professor of Scheduling and Cost in the MBA of Project Managementfor the Engineering University of Lima, Peru from February 2013 up to now.


Detail Resume.

Performance in Chile

Cima Project Management


  •  February 2013 to present day. Latin America Director

ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile,  Peru, Ecuador, Colombia).

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Ecosys and Primavera.

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Prism and Primavera.

ü  Implementation of Project Management Methodology in Mining Industries and Oil & Gas

ü  Implementation of the Methodology Collaboration Project Management in Client using Primavera and Ecosys.

ü  Advice on implementation of Primavera  to clients such as Codelco, Angloamerica, Sandvick Optimiza, Enap, Petroamazonas, Petroecuador, and so on.

Performance in Brazil

Ares Corporation

Owners of the software Prism for Managing Projects


  • April 2011 to March 2013. Latin America Regional Director

ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia & Venezuela).

ü  Direct sales to large customers.

ü  Training Client in Prism.

ü  Consulting implementation of Prism.

ü  Implementing Methodology of Project Management using Prism and Primavera.

ü  Implementation of Project Management Methodology in Mining Industries and Oil & Gas

ü  Implementation of the Methodology Collaboration Project Management in Client using Primavera and Prism.



Verano Engenharia Comercio, Exportação e Importação Ltda

Representatives of Primavera Systems in Brazil


ÄAugust 2004 to March 2011. Director.


Goals Accomplished


ü  Implementation of sales and distribution channels in South America

ü  Implementation of sales channels in Brazil.

ü  Direct sales companies in large Oil & Gas and Mining.

ü  Organization of conferences.

ü  Implementing solutions in engineering project management and information technology.

ü  Advice on implementation of project management methodology for clients such as Petrobras, Vale, Goldfields, Angloamerican, Embraer, MMX, Rio Tinto, and so on.


Loreto Construcciones y Gerenciamiento


ÄJanuary 2001 – 2004 Project Director


Goals Accomplished


ü  Same as in the previous position.

ü  Analysis of economic and financial viability of projects.

ü  Managing project of Construction in Industries and Real State.


Projects and Works executed:


ü  Condos Casa Grande I, II, and III. (67, 109 and 16 houses - Total 17,800 m2)

ü  Porto do Sol Condominium (119 houses Total 8,200 m2)

ü  Neighborhood Residential Metal Mining Company - Grupo Votorantim (100 houses Total 9,300 m2)

ü  Tetra Pack Club (total area 2,500 m2)

ü  Zôo Ventura Theme Park - Brasilia



Parque Temático Playcenter (Hopi Hari)


ÄJanuary  1998 – December 2000    Project Director           


Total area of ​​65,000 m2 theme park

Civil works, electrical, hydraulics, assembly and themed games.

Goals Accomplished

ü  Implementation Methodology and Project Control (PGI)

ü  Project Implementation Safety at Work - Organization - Cleaning.

ü  Implementing Total Quality Management in Projects on site.

ü  .Budgeting and budgetary control.

ü  Strategic planning of cash flow.
Coordination of executive projects.

ü  Implementation of master and detailed schedule. (Primavera)

ü  Implementation of critical pathways.

ü  Recruitment of staff management.

ü  Preparation of specifications and contracts.

ü  Process Implementation and project management procedures in project

·        Planning and Project Quality.

·        Planning Organization.

·        Communications Planning.

·        Contingency Planning, identifying, quantifying and
risk mitigation

·        Development of procedures for:

o   Procurement and contracting.

o   Accounts payable and payments.

o   Control measurements and work progress.
Technical Files.

o   Nonconformities.

o   Conclusion of Contracts and Projects Procedure provides guidelines to terminate contracts with suppliers.

o   Property security.


ü  Implementation of integrated planning - budget - control of contracts - accounts payable.

ü  Remote Project Management (USA - Germany)

ü  Implementation of Security Procedures - Organization - Local Cleaning work.

ü  Organization of work for quality. (Project 5S)

ü  Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and Environmental Impact (RIMA)

ü  Board reporting to do Playcenter Group.

ü  Direct relationship with government, municipal and supervisory entities.





ÄJuly 1996 – December 1997                      Project Leader


Construction of the Sergipe Factory. Total Area 55,000m2
Phasetwo ofthe factory inRio deJaneiro: 125.000 m2

Civil works, electrical, hydraulics, assembly line production.

Goals met (same as Playcenter Theme Park)



  • Implementation of Methodology for Managing Project in order to reducedconstruction timeof a factoryof 22to17 months
  • Delivery of the factory on time and budget with return of 5% contingency.
  • Finish of the construction withworkaccident rate50%below the meanof the corporation




ÄJuly 1995 – June 1996                   Consultant expert in Projects Management  


Goals Accomplished


ü  Re-structuring of the Industrial Department.

ü  Implementation Methodology of Planning and Investment Management (PGI)

ü  Unification of all the projects in the same methodology.

ü  Implementation of corporate processes and procedures.

ü  Implementation of procedures to increase productivity in the construction and assembly.




ÄJune 1994 – December1994                      Project Leader


Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):