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Project Controls Engineer, CM Pros, Hetch Hetchy - Water System Improvement Program SFPUC $4.8 Billion

START Date: 
January, 2009
END Date: 
February, 2013

Project Controls Engineer

CM Pros, San Francisco, CA                                                                 (2009 – 2013)


Water System Improvement Program- SFPUC – The WSIP is one of the largest water infrastructure programs in the nation and the largest infrastructure program ever undertaken by the City of San Francisco.  Currently Mr. Elwin serves as a member of the Project Management and Support Bureau providing program controls consultant services for providing programmatic scheduling, cost engineering, forecasting, change management, and reporting assistance.  Currently he is the PCE for 5 projects totaling $451 million in project cost. 


They include three Sunol Valley regional projects and two Water Supply regional projects and others:


The New Irvington Tunnel - $338 Million: This project consists of an 18,300-foot long tunnel in a horseshoe shape with excavated dimensions of approximately 12 feet by 14 feet. 


Alameda Siphon #4 - $62 Million: This project consists of a 66-inch diameter welded steel pipeline; a 96-inch diameter “blending structure” near the Alameda West Portal that will blend SVWTP and Hetch Hetchy water; new isolation/throttling valves on Alameda Siphons Nos. 3 and 4 and new isolation valves on Alameda Siphons Nos. 1 and 2; ventilation improvements at Alameda East Portal; new chemical injection facilities on Siphon No. 4; relocation and extension of the 48-inch diameter overflow pipe; and road improvements at the intersection with Calaveras Road.


Alameda Creek Fishery Enhancement - $22 Million: The project consists of facilities in the Sunol Valley for the recapture of water released from the Calaveras Dam for fisheries habitat enhancement in Alameda Creek.  The final scope of the project has yet to be finalized.  In addition to the recapture facilities, the project may include treatment of the recaptured water and conveyance of the water from the recaptured points to various storage sites.


Harding Park Recycled Water - $6.3 Million:  The SFPUC, in partnership with the City of Daly City, is implementing the Harding Park Recycled Water Project.  This project consists of providing the infrastructure needed to convey water supplied from the existing recycled water facility in Daly City (that is operated by the North San Mateo Sanitation District) to Harding Park.  The Project consists of approximately 4,700 feet of 18-inch pipe, a 700,000 gallon buried storage reservoir at the park, and two irrigation pumps.  The golf course has already been retrofitted to accommodate the use of recycled water; however, some additional retrofits may be required at the park to meet regulatory requirements.  The City of Daly City is the agency responsible for the design, environmental review and construction of this project.


Eastside Recycled Water Supply - $23 Million:  This was a new project currently at the approval stage that had been under development.  The proposed Eastside Recycled Water project would provide recycled water to a variety of users on the Eastside of San Francisco primarily for landscape irrigation.


CUW35901    New Irvington Tunnel            $313,425,000         CN    

CUW30201    San Francisco Westside Recycled Water            $155,142,000        

CUW36702    Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade            $30,617,000         

CUW30101    Lake Merced Water Level Restoration            $32,668,000            

CUW30205    San Francisco Eastside Recycled Water            $22,900,000           

CUW36105    Pulgas Balancing - Mod. Of Existing Dechlorination Facilities            $5,790,000         CN

CUW35201    Upper Alameda Creek Filter Gallery            $45,747,000         

CUW37403    San Antonio Backup Pipeline            $54,867,000  

6 - CIP Projects

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):