Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

jr.planning engineer, Al-Muhaidib Contracting Companty, Sadara Chemical Complex

START Date: 
July, 2013

1.Planning, organizing, scheduling the activities using primavera and monitoring the progress at site and updating the baseline program accordingly on monthly and weekly basis 

2.Assisting senior planning engineer in preparation of bar charts, delay reports etc

3.Timely alarming PM regarding the delays occurring at site from our side and from subcontractor side and its effects on our completion date of the projects

4.Submitting daily, weekly and monthly reports to client/ consultant

5.Visiting the site (twice or thrice a week ) and taking the updates and progress photographs and submitting them to client/consultant in a proper way

6.Supervising the programs received from subcontractors and notifying them the delays as and when required.

7.Preparing cash flow chart and the Resource curve.

8.Identifying the late nomination of provisional sum sub contractors and its effects on our program

9.Assisting in site activities also like block works and plastering, tiling works etc

10.Hands on experience in PRIMAVERA (P3/P6): WBS identification, Activities identification, Resource / Cost loading, S-curve preparation.

11.Extracting the activities from BOQ and apply the same in our program

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):