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Senior Planning Engineer, Bombardier Transportation, Crossrail

START Date: 
December, 2014

Bombardier Transport - Derby

My initial brief and goals  was to fully develop a harmoniised schedule for onboard signaling systems linked to the Crossrail Programme objectives and develop  fully harmonised schedules for signaling at a test track. The schedules to be in sufficient detail as to understand the infaces and be linked as to understand the logic allowing for critical path analysis.

The development of the programme scope consisted of Procurement, Design, Installation, Test and Commissioning of signaling equipment comprising of AWS / TPWS (Automatic Warning System) / (Train Protection Warning System) CBTC (Communication Based Train Control), ERTMS  (European Rail Traffic Management System).  ETCS with GSM-R  (European Train Control Systemwith Global System for Mobile Communication-Rail)

Contribute to client / Bombardier Monthly Report and interface with RCS Stokholm and Siemens London by monthly visits to conclude progress reporting


Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):