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Planning and Controls Supervisor, MDC (Makati Development Corporation), South Luzon Operations Center

START Date: 
September, 2014

My basic planning principle is to deliver every project right on time with the highest quality available and most importantly within the giver project budget.

As a Planning and Controls Supervisor for South Luzon Operations Center of Makati Development Corporation, I am currently handling 50+ on-going projects.

Creation and development of various monitoring and updating programs are one of my specialty. Reporting like weekly project accomplishment reports, project status and performance analyses are some of my basic functions as a Planning Supervisor.

I take the lead in coming up with time impact alalysis that is of much importance when it comes to claiming extension of time.

Cost monitoring and planning such as monitoring Earned Value Curves and producing analytic programes like Project Execution Plans that calculates the Project's Schedule and Cost Performance Indexes are also part of my roles.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management):