Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Planning Engineer, Strategies and Tactics Management Consultancy, Construction of New Ruwais Bypass, Abu Dhabi, UAE

START Date: 
April, 2009
END Date: 
December, 2012

Undertook the following on a wide variety of building and Infrastructure Projects:

  • Preparation of baseline program in consultation with the Project team.
  • Preparation of weekly and monthly updated programs.
  • Preparation of daily, weekly and monthly reports.
  • Discuss weekly progress in progress meetings with the client
  • Attend design coordination meetings for any potential impacts on scope, budget and time.
  • Frequent site visits to collect progress information and discuss site issues with the project manager.
  • Daily meetings with the site execution team to ensure the project meets the baseline requirements.
  • Coordination with the subcontractors and suppliers to ensure their adherence to the project schedule.
  • Keeping correspondence with the consultant regarding delay notices.
  • Preparation of claims for extension of time (EOT’s) for completion of the Works.
  • Preparation of productivity reports and resources required at site to improve / maintain required productivity.
  • Monitor, control & update time, cost & resource data in schedule and prepare reports to identify +ve/-ve variances and their corresponding impact on project.