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Area Planning Manager and Cost Manager, IRATEKNIK CONSULTING ENGINEERS, MALAYSIA, Buildings & Infrastructures

START Date: 
September, 1984
END Date: 
October, 2013





Started working since 1983. For the past two decades, Razak Noor has exposed himself professionally covering the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering fields.

His experiences include the technical, designing, planning and resource management – from the design stage to the implementation and completion of projects involving the construction of highways, structures – buildings, bridges, drainage and sewerage systems, installations of equipments, testing and commissioning and eventually the maintenance of the facilities.

With the wide range of exposure, he has been engaged as speaker / facilitator in the related fields to several institutions like CIDB, MARA Colleges, JLKN ( National Service Camps ), JKR and PKK ( SME Bumiputra Participation Induction ).




With the professional qualifications acquired, Razak Noor has been fully involved within the two main stages of works being Pre-Contract and Post-Contract. The procedures of works has been further enhanced; particularly in Malaysia, upon the adaptation of Quality Management System (ISO Certification) into the working environment and pr


Civil and Structures (C&S)

Of the three engineering disciplines, this is the area he is strongest (but that does not suggest he is deprived of the other two). In general, the works will undergo two main stages – the Pre-Contract and Post-Contract stages.

Pre-Contract Stage :

The two main departments he has been particularly involved are the design and planning. He has sat with the Architects and Engineers andauthorized to lead in the team.

There are two types of contract participated being the ‘Conventional’ and ‘Design and Build’. The ‘Conventional’ type of contract is pretty straight forward in the sense that the contractor will be working on the completed drawings, maybe with a few minor exceptions. As for the ‘Design and Build’ contract, the design parameters are wide (even the guidelines are provided) and will require full attention and scrutinization.

The Architect will be responsible for the aesthetics and the Engineers will justify the structures. Despite the two aspects mentioned, the most important element in design is the layout of the whole development. It will involve the location of buildings and the flow of adjoining activities within the complex as well as the traffic. Other important aspects will involve the security as well as environmental implications related to the project.

Quotations will be gathered and selection of specialist sub-contractors as well as suppliers will be short-listed. At this stage the contract is ready for bidding and most importantly to secure.


Post-Contract Stage :

Upon the successful tender bid, the project is ready for implementation. Razak Noor has been the Project Director for a number of projects. His first priority is to complete the job within the specified duration and budget – the actual against the bid. It is crucial for him to signify the work program and the project team to ensure maximum profit.

One of the efficient tools utilized will be the Cost Control Analysis. The practice is basically to lay out the detail expenditures against the payment received for each particular activity to determine the status of the project – being ahead or delayed, deficit or surplus. The project report will be prepared by the Project Team and tabled during the internal monthly Project Progress Meeting. The analysis will determine the course of action and the kind of reporting to be publicized to the client.

During the course of the project, a weekly coordination meeting will be conducted to ensure the productivity and most importantly the quality of output. Random inspections will be carried out and it is the responsibility of the QA/QC Manager to adhere to the specifications spelled. It is also important to maintain the quality of health and safety aspects within the working environment.

Another important area not to be missed will be the underlying requirements imposed by the authorities. Frequent visits to meet the local council and other related authorities along with the appointed consultants will be scheduled to avoid unprecedented delays.


Registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia since his return in 1985, Razak Noor continues to pursue his career in engineering and started inducing the practices he adopted during his working days in the United States. The main challenges he encountered were technology and attitude. His philosophy of “ …you got lemon, you drink lemonade…” taught him to harness the resources available and further explore, improvise and exploit the resources to benefit


Once the design criterias have been met, the Quantity Surveyors will detail out the pricing. Concurrently the Engineers will decide on the works program while ensuring the priorities. With the available data that has been crunched, the labor, materials and machine schedules will be replicated to make up for the activities within the works program.

Mechanical and Electrical (M&E)

Due to his knowledge in these fields, Razak Noor finds it handy in the applications and coordination of works, particularly during the Post-Contract stage. There have been instances where major changes in the project took place from his input – deriving from well suited applications and deciding the best possible avenues to overcome the flaws without jeopardizing the project.

His main areas of specialization are the air conditioning / ventilation, fire fighting and sewerage systems / reticulation. He is further induced into the energy saving circle by getting acquainted with the technology pioneered by the Suez Group in Europe (which is now establishing their platforms in Thailand and Singapore).


Business Development

Over the years of professional exposure, Razak Noor has developed adequate circle of contacts and network. He has successfully prepared proposal papers and materialized them. He is keen to explore new avenues and willing to stay up to complete his homework.


Over the years of professional exposure, Razak Noor has developed adequate circle of contacts and network. He has successfully prepared proposal papers and materialized them. He is keen to explore new avenues and willing to stay up to complete his homework.