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Project Planner, Ansaldo STS, Malaysia North Double Trucking project (MNDT)

START Date: 
February, 2007

January 2013- Present

Position: Senior Project Controller and Planner

Company: Ansaldo STS Malaysia

Field: Railway and signaling


 1-Malaysia North Double Tracking project (MNDT)

2- Mumbai Monorail project

3- Port Klang Selatan project

Duties and responsibilities:

üPrepare Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

üPrepare and update the schedule for all the work packages in Primavera P6

üPrepare and update the physical progress report for the project

üPrepare and update the project S-curve

üPrepare the weekly and Monthly report for client

üForecast and control the cost of project through SAP

üFast Tracking in order to reduce compress the project schedule

üWeekly Factory visit to get the progress report  

üAttend management, Sub contractor and client meetings


May 2008-May 2011

Position: Planning and project control expert

Company: Iran International General Contractor (IGC)

Field: Oil and Gas

Project: Lavan refinery upgrading and revamping project

Description: construction of licensed units project (EPC)

Duties and responsibilities:


  • Prepare work breakdown structure (WBS)

üReporting to the Planning/Scheduling Manager

üPrepare and update the project EPC Schedule on a regular basis by primavera version 6

üAlert management and prepare recovery schedule if delay occurs

üPrepare and update progress S-curves

üPrepare weekly and monthly report

üRegular project site visit to monitor progress

üAttend management and subcontractors meetings

üMonitor subcontractor progress report

  • Fast tracking
  • Control document

February 2007-April 2008

Position: Planning and project control expert

Company: Barnameh rizi va tarh (Engineering consultant)

Field: Oil & Gas

Project: Pipeline

Description: construction of 16’’ pipeline form Abadan to Ahwaz

Duties and responsibilities:


  • Monitor and control project schedule in a regular basis by Primavera version 3
  • Prepare and update progress S-curve
  • Prepare weekly and monthly report
  • Monitor contractor progress report
  • Monitor and control the engineering and procurement documents

Attend client and contractor meetings