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Planner, Hyder Consulting, Riyadh Metro

START Date: 
November, 2012
END Date: 
July, 2013

Hyder became ‘Preferred Bidder’ for one line of the Riyadh Metro tender, which I produced the design programme. Having achieved this status, I was required to provide significant amendments and additional details to the integrated design programme to match the set dates for construction tasks. This was to define by what dates each station required to have the completed designs to remain on time. To do this I was required to determine which aspects of the design needed to be completed prior to the construction tasks. This allowed me under the guidance of the bid manager to produce a sequence for the tasks to be completed that would conform with the construction programme.

Through analysis of the duration of the individual tasks, amount of float to the construction activities and the anticipated number of resources I, with the Bid Manager, determined the number of design teams that we would require / have available. Using this information, we produced a sequence in which the stations would be completed (with the stations as the critical activities) and assigned these to each team. This allowed us to modify the durations of the station tasks, as once a design team has completed the designs for an elevated station, it is reasonable to believe that the next elevated station will take fewer days to complete.