Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Sr.Project Planner, Tenova Hypertherm pvt. ltd., and Galvnising Lines, Lime Kilns, Reheating Furnace

START Date: 
August, 2011



Work Experience:- 


Current Employer: -TENOVA HYPERTHERM Pvt. Ltd.  (Techint Group)

Aug 2011 to Present 

Key Responsibilities:-


  Project Planning: 

Ø   Planning & Scheduling  of  projects activities in Primavera & MSP 

Ø   Preparing Baseline Schedule in Primavera based on contracts and Divisional List.  

Ø   Interaction within all department for updating the projects activities 

Ø   Preparing  Status report, Work Progress Report, Dispatch Plan, periodically 

Ø   Reporting to Customer, & HOD.  

Ø  Close monitoring on delivery date Creating dispatch schedule 

Ø  Determine baseline  and  project execution accordingly 

Ø  Distributing  Management  information  reports  to  customer  and  Concerned  dept  within  the organization .  

Ø  Identify the critical activities and informing same to concern department. 

Ø  Identifying the variance within baseline for Revenue planning & review. 

Ø  Ensure  Coordinating  with  fabrication  &  QC  departments  for  timely  completion  of 

Fabricated equipments. 

Ø  Ensure good Co-ordinate with Dispatch department for material to be dispatched. 

Ø  Customer correspondence. 


  Erection & Commissioning: 

Ø  Coordinate with project Operation engineer/ manager for smooth Operation at site. 

Ø  Highlighting  critical activity at site to  support  management decision making  


  Other Responsibilities: 

Ø  Coordinating with project engineers on site and giving them back office support. 

Ø  All the time keeping project schedule within dead limit. 

Ø  Assignment when project activities become critical. 


Notable Accomplishments

Ø  Attended  15  days  training    programme  for  supply  chain  Management  in    Parent  

Ø  company Genova ( ITALY) 

Ø  Successfully    implemented  monthly  progress  reporting  procedure  in  current 

Ø  company 



Other skills:

·         Communication: developed excellent written & Verbal communication skills through undertaking presentation, written reports and assignments in Education and work experience.

·         Teamwork: worked as Dept   representative of WMS team   in Larsen & Toubro   where I contributed effectively through group discussions and preparing presentations.