material engineer or geologist, rhods company, Asphalt and Concrete roads bridges , buildings
Years of Experience:
1. Material Engineer: Khalaf alTarawnah Comp.1-1-2011 up to date16-02-2013 (Amman –Aqaba-Makah Road) Project .Aqaba – Jordan.
2. Material Engineer : the Saudi Canadian Comp.2010-2011 (K.S.A).
3. Material Engineer: Arabtec construction Comp. Abudhabe – U.A.E, 2008-2009.
4. Material Engineer: Artec ( Arabian Technical for Contracting) Comp. 2001-2007 (K.S.A)
5. Material Engineer: Ahlia (Esam Amare) Company 2000 – 2001 katrana - (Jordan).
6. Master degree : University of Baghdad 1995-1998 (Iraq).
7. Material Engineer: General Institute of Geological Survey and Mineral, Ministry of Industrial and Minerals Investigation 1991-1995 (Iraq).
8. Geologist: Ministry of Irrigation 1981-1991 (Iraq).
Degrees Awarded:
B.SC. Geology Baghdad University/Iraq 1980
M.SC. Geology Baghdad University/Iraq 1998
Research Interest:
· Concret for Roads, Bridges, Buildings, culverts (sub and super structure): preparing mix design by volumetric or weights and tests and calculations according typr of cement, compressive strength, size of aggregate, ratio of wter/cement, admixtures such as clas ( 250/20", 300/20", 500/20", etc.)
· Asphalt: marshal and superpave hot mix design tests for wearing course, binder course, bituminous seal coat, Tack coat, Prime coat, and so on.
· Materials:Soil Quality and Quantity tests in Laboratory and Field of components (fine, coarse aggregate) in concret , asphalt, and Layers (Embankments, Topping, Sub grade, sub base, Base Course…ect).
· Materials laboratory ( soils , steels , woods , paints …ect.)tests and Geophysical logs interpretation.
· High skill for using Computer: recording, preparing forms for all schedules, documents, reports, calculations.
· Reports and schedules performance for materials, soils, concrete, asphalt, daily and monthly and yearly.
· Rock cutting removal: Drilling bore holes according to pattern of blasting and blasting by using nonels ,perlite ,detonaters according to nonel kethods.
· Safety: Practical Applying instructions of technical, industrial Safety for employees and equipments.
Years of service on Faculty:
Material Engineer & (Geologist): 1981 to 2013.
Member Ship:
Jordanian Chamber of Geology.
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