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CEO, BRISLAND P/L, New Sustainable Projects

START Date: 
September, 1968

Worked in UK for Shepherd Construction as Planning Engineer and Site Manager on variety of projects and also as Project Manager with Austin UK on projects at Upjohn Pharmecuticals and Glaxo.

Worked as Project Manager in Qatar, Midde East, constructed a Large Girls High School in Doha.

Worked in Sydney as PM for Leighton on $150m ABC Radio Station from concept to Construction Stage and Multi Storey projects. Senior PM for $100m Hi- Tech Park in Sydney.

Founded a succesfull construction company specialising in Government projects. Projects such as $32m William Street Upgrade Sydney (part of $650m Cross City Tunnel project); Taronga Zoo Food Markets; Gosford Hospital, (International Award winning) Paddington Reserve Gardens, etc.

Started new company REB Contracting for new sustainable timber construction such as CLT using BIM technology.