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Lead Project Controls, Planning and Scheduling, TNRP, Transport Network Reconstruction Project

START Date: 
February, 2012
END Date: 
December, 2012

NDRRA projects for Fitzroy Region in Central Queensland on the TNRP as Senior Scheduler & Projects Controller for repair of roads damaged from 2007 -2012 Cyclones, Floods & major rain events, over 1400 Km’s of roads had to be repaired and or replaced. Involved several major Road contractors. 115 projects planned into P6 database, contract value $1 billion.

Responsible for maintenance & development of program & supporting the Project Controls Manager(PCM) Achievements

  • Assisted the PCM in developing planning & scheduling. Comply with & carry out regular reviews of the processes, and update as required
  • In conjunction with the PCM, determined & established & managed the resources needed to carry out the scheduling function for the Program
  • Liaised with the Cost Controller & maintained current, & correctly coded, scheduling data with reference to the scope of work & WBS
  • Maintained Integrated P6 Program Master Schedule
  • Monitored &reported on key program milestones
  • Prepared detailed area schedules, bar charts, resource graphs,
  • Prepared time recovery strategy options where delay or potential delay would have affected the completion date
  • Reviewed proposed change management time implication & documented results. Coordinated the modification of the schedule for approved changes
  • Managed the veracity of all project metrics for input to the project dashboards
  • Assisted managers to resolve scheduling issues associated with task under their responsibilities
  • Reviewed reports & data from Contractors in accordance with program requirements (e.g. manning, resources, progress) & reported concerns which cause schedule non-compliance
  • Produced management reports for program time status & resources for monthly status reports & required by the PCM
  • Liaised with PCM to maintain accurate & consistent information transfer between P6 & cost system
  • Provided detailed functional schedules as required
  • Liaised with State Project Office on mandatory metrics Project completed on time with a fully expended budget
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling):