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Trainee Project Planning Engineer , Megatech Earth Consultants , Onshore/Offshore Geomatics Field Development Survey Projects.

START Date: 
September, 2004
END Date: 
September, 2002
  • Assist in the offshore activity planning and resources management for subsea Oil and Gas pipeline Trenching,Platform and Jack-Up Foundations Design, Construction/Installation using MS Project software;
  • Co-ordination and planning of all aspect of Project, from Manpower, Equipment and Materials
  • Assist in developing and maintaining project activities and schedules, and performed the critical path analyses to ensure project is kept on track and maintained to ensure all identified issues are resolved on time and in budget for work scopes (Asset Development, Construction and Maintenance);
  • Assist in the development of integrated project plans with details of all key project phases and activities/deliverables and resource requirements to allow effective management of logistics interfaces and monitor progress achieved on each work scope accordingly;
  • Assist site management in developing/reviewing schedule corrective action and recover plans by making sure needed actions and plans are implemented;
  • Responsible in the Interpretation of Satellite Imageries, Aerial Photographs and Maps, for Planning engineering design, monitoring geographical features and attributes on/off shore for Geotechnical/ Geophysical Site and Ground Investigation;

- Responsible in carrying out Technical and Commercial Project Report writing for senior Engineers and Project Planners/Managers