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Project HSSE Lead & Training Manager, AECOM MIddle East, Power, Dams, Storm water

START Date: 
December, 2011
END Date: 
February, 2012
    I am currently employed as the Senior Project HSSE & Training Manager AECOM Arabia high profile storm and Power energy water drainage program in Jeddah. However I have since been told that the client as put several senior management positions on hold, including mine.   The project, a $2bn, 4 year minimum program will involve upgrading existing dams, designing and construction of power and energy plants, in addition I am also responsible setting up a large team that will include four HSSE Managers, 6 HSSE Supervisors, 4 Environmental Specialist, 4 Training Supervisors, 40 Field HSE Officers.   I am to liaise with the client and the municipality and conduct regular power-point presentations with respect to the HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment plans) and combining these with procedures and forms so this can be used for tendering of the 10 construction companies that will be applying for each one of the 10 disciplines.   As this was a new project, I was responsible for designing all HSSE plans including medical and ex-pat evacuation. On top of these I had to create a competency base training package for each plan that came with procedures and forms to target individual employees.     Other risk assessment strategies I also started to design including investigation straining for this project included but not limited to:   •                    PHA, (Process Hazards Analysis)   •                    HAZID, (Hazard Identification)   •                    HAZOP,(Hazard Operability Studies)   •                    FMEA, (Failure mode and effects analysis)   •                    SIL: (Safety Integrity Level)   •                    QRA: (Quantitative Risk assessment)     Another major part of my role to set up and implement the “Ex-Pat” evacuation plan that includes meeting with various consulate officials and carious army bases to discuss various methods for evacuating out ex-pat nations in an unforeseen situation.   Design a KPI's and monitoring performance system that can monitor by senior management teams including the clients.   Due to the nature of the work, I designed a sophisticated Permit to Work (PTW) risk management systems for disciplines such as confine space, Isolation, working at heights,Excavations, hot work, gas testing, ground disturbance, seismic operations this also included a training package so that contractors could be trained in completing their PTW certificates.   As stated on the phone my position with several other senior managers is being put on hold, but I am being considered by AECOM other senior roles in the UAE and Australia.