Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Project Controls Specialist (EPC), Doyon Utilities, adyard abudhabi LLC, P2074 Fort Wayne Wright Utilidor Upgrade, MH E6-7-8 to MH E6-9-6, Phase 2

START Date: 
September, 2008
END Date: 
January, 2013

Project Controls Specialist for the Engineering Department at Doyon Utilities LLC in Fairbanks Ak.

We have a 50 years contract for Fort Greely, Fort Wayne Wright and Fort Richardson Army installations in Alaska.

Started with DU in March 2013.  Prior to that I was assigned to the Activity Planning Department within BP Alaska.  I scheduled for Endicott, Milne Point and the East side facilities of Prudhoe Bay for 5 years.  We started scheduling on the North Slope in MS Project.  BP soon recognized, due to the hierarchy of P6, the need to move to Primevara. 

I never thought in my life that the Scheduling comunity was as big as it is.  Very big network!