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Maintenance Planning Engineer, NOVATEX Limited Karachi, Pakistan, PETROCHEMICAL PLANT MAINTENANCE & EXPANSION PROJECTS

START Date: 
January, 2007
END Date: 
March, 2008

NOVATEX Limited Karachi, Pakistan                                                Jan, 2007 – March,2008

Planning Engineer

As the part of Mechanical & Utilities Department, my areas of responsibilities as a Maintenance Planning Engineer were the following:

  • Condition Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance of all rotary equipments of two main plants Polycondensation-I&II each having 350  & 600 tons/day capacity along with Solid State Polymerization-I&II each having 250 tons/day capacity using MicroVib-P & Vibration Pen. Rotary equipment includes Pumps, Gearboxes, Agitators, Blowers & Crystallizers.
  • Planning & preparation of Annual Maintenance Schedule for Polycondensation-II & execution on MOGAN system for Preventive Maintenance.
  • To follow up the daily scheduled jobs and activities using software MOGAN for Preventive Maintenance.
  • Making of budget of spare parts and other accessories of equipments on yearly basis and to keep spare parts in inventory.
  • To Manage the Material regarding maintenance requirements using software CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System).
  • Erection & Commissioning of Rotary & Static equipments like pumps, Agitators, Gearboxes, Blowers & Conveying Systems.

Completed the Shutdown of Polycondensation-I took in 45,000 man-hours.