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Core Team Senior Planning Engineer, El- Seif Engineering Contracting Company, 5-Star Hail Hotel at Hail City In KSA

START Date: 
February, 1989
END Date: 
July, 2012


Apr. 2007-Present          :-   M/s. El Seif Engineering & Contractors

                                          :-    Planning Engineer


Job Responsibilities:

Senior Planning Engineer

Construction Management of the projects & its completion on specified period within approved budget (As per the project charter), study the scope of work, resources like direct & indirect manpower and also the procurement, project Planning schedule & Coordinate with Other Discipline managers, concerning daily construction activities for optimum utilization of manpower and equipment, and to indicate the expected SPI. Conduct meeting with project staff to outline work plan and to assign duties, responsibilities, scope of authority accordingly. Responsible for constant surveillance of work force, Labors, Efficiency & Earn Value, S-curve for month invoice, chasing the    subcontractors and associated support. direct change management and contract variation control, identify and confirm variations and submit the complete change valuations. Identify risk, quantity and prepare contingency plans conferring with the project staff and the client. Review the status report prepared by project personnel, modify the activity schedules as required and also prepare regular project reports for the management and the client. There  are different report issued for the project, report consisting of different sages weekly, biweekly, Monthly Quarterly which indicate the Progress Achievements for pass week ,& report week,  & next week.

Lastly to prepare performance evaluation (Appraisal) of all employees and recommending them for next project





Planning Engineer


1)-Bidding Projects

Preparation of Bidding Schedule during the Bidding stage & and also provide the form work cycle in order to help then in pricing the project to the tender dept. and workout manpower resources forecast using the Chamber of Comers' issued guide for resources and preparing resources forecast histogram generated by Primavera &Cash Flow chart showing the % Cash distribution etc.



2)-Execution Projects


Ø  Construction  of master schedule and detailed schedules for the following:-

Ø  Mobilization, Shop Drawing, Material(MTS) & Procurement, Construction Schedule  

Ø  Preparation of all Control sheet for the major activities according to the distribution of Zones.

Ø  Preparation of Manpower Resources Forecast.

Ø  Preparation of Progress Curve

Ø  Preparation of Cash Flow (S-Curve)

Ø  Recovery Schedules using   Primavera 6

Ø  Monitoring and reporting progress (Daily , Weekly & Monthly & Quarterly reports).

Ø  Update periodically the progress schedule based on data collected from depts. & Execution team and produce comprehensive Progress report for management.

Overall control on correspondences with Consultant.



List Of Projects Under M/s. El- Seif Contracting Co.


1)  Five Star Hotel at Hail


2)  Silhouette Tower at Doha  - Qatar


3)  Dewan Amiri Car parking at Doha –Qatar


4)  Information Technology Communication Complex (Infra Str.@ Riyadh)



5)  King Abdullah Financial Dist. Riyadh(5-Tower)


6)  Women’s University Riyadh (Infra. Str.@ Riyadh)


7)  SABIC Plastics Applications & Development Center (Riyadh)


9)  Many Other Projects for Bidding



1996- Apr.2007:    M/s. Saudi Binladin Group(ABCD)

During 2002-2007 Planning Engineer

During 1996-2002 Projects Coordinator


List Of Projects Under Saudi Binladin Group


1)  Intercontinental Hotel Project. Dar Towheed Makkah


2)  Late King Fahad Palace (Jeddah,Muna & Safa Place       Makkah

3)  Late King Abdullah Palace(Ubhur Jeddah & Mena  Makkah).

4)  Pr. Abdul Aziz Palace  Ubhor Jeddah

5)  King Salman Palace Riyadh& many more Project in Binladin

6)  Apart From the above I work on many more project in   S.B Group.


Project Description:


Intercontinental Hotel  (Dar-Al-Towheed) Makkah


This is a multistoried hotel building situated at Ibrahim Khaleel Street and very close toward the door of Haram King Fahad at a distance of 100mts.  Makkah Al-Mukkarama this building consisting of 27 storied.

Construction  of master schedule and detailed schedules for the following:-

Ø  Mobilization, Shop Drawing, Material(MTS) & Procurement, Construction Schedule  

Ø  Preparation of all Control sheet for the major activities according to the distribution of Zones.

Ø  Preparation of Manpower Resources Forecast.

Ø  Preparation of Progress Curve

Ø  Preparation of Cash Flow

Ø  Recovery Schedules using   Primavera 6

Ø  Monitoring and reporting progress (Daily , Weekly & Monthly & Quarterly reports).

Ø  Update periodically the progress schedule based on data collected from depts. & Execution team and produce comprehensive Progress report for management.


Ø  Overall control on correspondences with Consultants & Interior Designer M/s. Areen Design Service)UK)  & Flow Control Book for Finishing Activities.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):