Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Project Planner, Akkord group of companies, Building,Tunnel,Bridge,Highways

START Date: 
April, 2007
END Date: 
August, 2008

Planning and controlling projects in Primavera P6 and P5.

Creating OBS(Organizational breakdown structure),EPS(Enterprise project structure), RBS (Resource breakdown structure) and WBS(work breakdown structure),Project portfolio.Preparing initial project plan,specify duration and assigning resources for each activity, controlling project progress and Monitoring. Preparing forecast cost, resource and activities reports.Preparing and working with Work products and documents,Issues,Thresholds,Gant graphic,Resource allocation,  Resource assignments,Tracking,Scheduling project.Planning project budget,expenses,resources,determine project risks,actual cost for each project or project portfolio,making changes to the project and managing changes and etc.

          -Prepare Project Schedule using MS Project and Primavera P6.

- Update planning data in planning software (Microsoft Project, Primavera).

- Prepare weekly / monthly progress reports & comparison between Project Master Plan & actual execution
-Generate critical path from Project Schedule
-Assign required Project Resources – Manpower, Equipment & Materials

- Prepare cash flows & material tracking reports

- Monitor Project critical path, potential delays, risks and opportunities, cost estimations

- Track manpower histogram by sub-contracts/ forecast and estimate of manpower required

- Developing and maintaining a detailed project plan

- Monitoring project progress and performance

-Providing status reports to the project sponsor

-Sets up and manages support functions covering planning, tracking, reporting, quality management and internal communication

- Establishes standards, tools and procedures for use on the project, including Issue, Risk, Change and Information Management

- Manages the Project Library

- Manages the support and provision of project tools and equipment

- Assists with the production of user documentation