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Sr. Planning Engineer, Bin belaila contracting company, High rise Buildings

START Date: 
May, 2000
END Date: 
November, 2010

I am Sr. Planner with total 10 years experience in Construction field definitely High rise building ,Hotels ,Complex villas.

Currently i am based DUBAI.

My Sole Roles:

1. Assisist and co-operate in preparing Planning and controlling system.

2. Developing tender programe, Post programe, baseline programe

3.Tracking progress ,mandasys and materials.

4. Preparing up to date an accurate as built programe.

5.Generating histograme reports and S Curve reports

6. Making status reports and delays analysis reports

7. Generating KPI's reports.

8. Keeping record of all variation and evalution its impaction on programe in order to raise any EOT Claim.