Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Planner, LIZ, Highways

START Date: 
November, 2004

Will be responsible for project Planning, co-ordination and reporting activities related to the project.


Job Summary:

Shall focus on the following Perspective of the business i.e.

1. Project Scheduling

2. Project Reporting

3. Co-ordinating with Client and   Office

4. Assistance to Site Manager


Broad Responsibilities / Major Deliverables:

1. Project Scheduling Activities

a. Update and Monitor the existing Project Schedule.

b. Revising Project Schedule & S Curves in line with the Project Progress / Client Requirements.

c. Preparation of structured S Curve for the Project.

d. Revising / Updating & Monitoring the Project Schedule & S Curves.


2. Project Reporting Activities

a. Indicating the target progress v/s the progress achieved, highlighting major delayed activities.