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Senior Planner / Scheduler, Globalstroy-Worleyparsons-Zarubejneft Consortium, YK - Yuzhno Khylchuyu

START Date: 
November, 2005
END Date: 
July, 2006

YK Project (Yuzhno Khylchuyu)

PM, E, P, C – ConocoPhillips – Oil & Gas Project – Northen Russia

Yuzhnoye Khylchuyu (YK) field located 120 kilometers northeast of Naryan-Mar, 2300 kilometers northeast of Moscow o the Barents Sea coast. The project represents an investment of USD 1.5 billion.

The YK field development divided on two phases, the First Production Phase (Train No. 1), delivery 60,000 barrels/day of oil by the end of 2007 to the nearby LUKOil Varandei terminal, and the Full Field Production Phase (Trains 2 and 3), which will raise production to 165,000 barrels/day by the end of 2008.

Was responsible for developing and maintaining the Project Master Schedule up to Level 3 itemization (Primavera Software).  By performing daily analysis of contract obligations and contract execution forecasted in schedule, maintained control over the project’s resources planning and construction progress. 

Led and conducted weekly meetings on Planning, updated Procurement and Engineering Schedules and provided all Project works Time-scaled networks, issuing reports showing adjustments / follow-ups of the Project. Also performed gap analysis between the manpower/equipment forecasted requirements and up to date earned values according to work breakdown structure. Producing and weekly updating Project progress S-Curves.