Senior Planner, Keepmoat (Bramall) Construction, Care Homes, remodeling - £10million. = Aylesbury
Pre contract - Produce tender, cost plan, design programmes, fire and traffic management and phased / feasibility construction plans. To attend and make the presentation at settlement and pre-settlement meetings to the board, highlighting complexity of build, labour, plant, risks and durations. To attend and present at client interviews.
In contract - Compose target programme up to stage E design an issue as required. Progress and update contract and target programmes weekly and highlight any slippage or progress to commercial department or main board. Prepare information required for the board, client, commercial and construction departmental meetings. Produce information required for claims for or against arbitration, adjudication and disagreements.
Post contract - To progress to completion, record keydates, check durations, report good/poor building practices, evaluate good/poor sub-contractors and sequencing in relation to the programme to enable the post contract appraisal meetings.
As the sole planner with Keepmoat, I had many responsibilities, forming cost plans, programmes working from a A3 drawing up to a full tender package. All investigations, site visits and contractors visits were made by myself in conjunction with the estimating department looking for the best and most cost effective method of construction, continually looking for better durations and build cost giving the client the high quality of work expected.
Contracts are normally Design and build, occasionally traditional with some design responsibility, from 15 million to 1 million, this has included care homes, remodeling, education, refurbishment and social housing, using all methods of construction.
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