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Senior Planning Consultant, IPECC Consultants, Tuwairqi Steel Mills - Providing Project Planning & Scheduling Services

START Date: 
June, 2007
END Date: 
September, 2011


  1. Tuwairqi Steel Mills - Providing Project Planning & Scheduling Services

  • June 2007 to August 2007
In DRI project, Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) was looking for a firm to provide Project Management Consultants (Programs Manager, Project Managers, & Project Control Officers) to work closely with the client in order to manage & deliver the project with it Project Management methodologies, tools & techniques.

For successful & in-time execution / implementation of Projects, IPECC Consultants was responsible for the supply of at least, but not limited to, following services:

- Project Planning & Scheduling Services
- Project Management, Monitoring & Reporting
- Control, Verification & Status of Engineering documents
- Project Close-out: Project Closeout Report shall be developed by TSML.

Based on its experience & expertise on Project Management Information Systems (PMIS), IPECC Consultants made use of a multidisciplinary, project-oriented field approach (commercial, operational and technical) that relies on simple and efficient techniques. IPECC Consultants provides Project Management Consultants to work closely with the client in order to manage and deliver the project on time through careful initial analysis and detailed project monitoring.

RESULT: By keeping focus on delivering program benefits, active management of stakeholders, rigorous program management and control disciplines, pro-active address of all project issues, optimization of suppliers’ performance, and creation of one united team result the successful delivery of the entire project plan.