Project Planning and Controls Senior Engineer, Consortium of Sazeh Consultants & Jahanpars Engineering & Construction Companies, Extended feed, detail design, procurement, construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning of Bid Boland II Gas Treating Pl
October, 2011
END Date:
December, 2012 - Directing projects planning and control engineers
- Performing delay analysis and surveying the root causes and tacking corrective actions
- Administration and merging projects’ EPCC time schedules to develop integrated program time schedule (Primavera Project Management software: environment consisting over 70,000 activities )
- Developing Project WBS and WBS procedure
- Developing Planning and Scheduling procedures
- Preparing project cash flow,
- Performed detailed analysis of actual cost/man-hour versus planned cost/man-hour, applying Earned Value Management technique(EVM), surveyed the root causes and took corrective action in case of observing any poor performance
- Preparing Program management reports
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