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#planning #seniorplanner #planningengineer #construction #build #majorprojects, FLUOR, %26 Oil %26 Gas Projects 2) Buildings 3) Infrastructure

START Date: 
February, 2008

Project Controls Specialist


Planning/ Scheduling/ Earned Value Management:

1.       Leads Subcontractor Planners/ Project Control Team in developing a workable programme schedule and Progress Monitoring Tool in relation to Company standard, project specification and in accordance to contractual obligations.

2.       Assist the Project Control Manager/ Project Manager/ Construction Manager in assessing and evaluating the proposal of bidder in relation to project control documentation and attends kick off meeting to challenge subcontractors that the proposal is indeed workable to meet the target schedule to deliver the project.

3.       Understand work scope, evaluate durations, resource requirements, develop & establish Level 3 project schedule with logical sequences of Engineering and Procurement with coordination to internal, joint venture and Management Team.

4.       Manage & Update overall master/detail schedules integrating work breakdown structure using scheduling software Primavera P6

5.       Developing company’s Progress Monitoring tool to be used in the project in accordance to company standard and project specifications and to provide support in verifying claimed progress against invoices.

6.       Understand contractual matter, earned value method, familiar with scope management and change control.

7.       Coordinating schedule from multiple sub-contractors and incorporate the information gathered into the overall project master schedule.

8.       Design reports with accordance to project specifications, both internal and external such as Progress and Performance Report, 3 part curve, 120 days look ahead schedules, and deliverables and document status report (DDSR)

9.       Evaluate allocation of resources and provide recommendations to maintain required progress.

10.   Develop and implement plan versus actual progress charts (histograms/S curves).

11.   Track, monitor and forecast progress of all activities and deliverable such as engineering documents & reports.

12.   Liaises with all team leaders and/or members to communicate required completion dates and interface between functional team/operational team and project team.

13.   Participate all meeting such as progress & schedule review meeting, coordination meeting, management meeting.

14.   Coordinate with Cost and Change Management Function within team and Contractors to ensure latest forecasting had been reflected.

15.   Design database for continuous process improvement such as Personnel Approval Form (PAF) Log, Change management and Labour Reports.



Planning Engineer

Consolidated Contractors Company

Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Develop and maintain a Work Breakdown Structure, which provides foundation for defining the Work Packages and coding of the schedule activities.
2. Identify and manage all interface milestone activities on a schedule and compare and report on progress against baseline schedules.
3. Provides work direction as required for the preparation of planning and scheduling control systems and other practices to give Engineering and Construction supervisors means to evaluate and improve the efficiency of their work execution
4. Provides recommendations for corrective actions when performance or results deviate from the base plan.
5. Assist with EOT claims management and analyses, in association with internal and external project team members.
6. Provide technical support and advice for the use of scheduling software such as Primavera Project Planner.
7. Provide technical support to the Contracts, for the review of certain subjects related to the Project Control.
8. Preparation of weekly and monthly report.
9. Prepare Four Weeks Rolling Schedule and attends weekly progress and coordination meeting.

10. Conduct regular site visit.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):