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Senior Planner, Mott MacDonald, Simandou Iron Ore Mines and infrastructure

START Date: 
June, 2014

Project Description:

Multi-billion dollar project to build two new iron ore mines in Guinea, plus associated rail and port infrastructure.


Roles and Responsibilities:

Senior Planner within a 5-strong team acting on behalf of the client during the tender phase. My main focus of work was on the rail element of works (approx 670km single track, including approx 30km of tunnels)

Responsibilities include: 

Prepare ITT documentation

Assess Tender returns

Manage schedule for client works during tender period (geotechnical investigations, crossing studies, etc)

Develop BFS (Bankable Feasibility Study) schedule, based on preffered tender's programme, and taking into account all interfaces between Rail, Mine, Port and other Contractors


Lessons Learnt:

Projects of this scale, with the capacity to have a transformative impact on the economy of an entire country, require a different mindset when preparing ITTs. The social, political, environmental and economic impacts of the project on the region and country as a whole must be as carefully managed and controlled as the technical requirements.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling):