Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Planning and Cost Control Engineer, Core Construction Company L.L.C., Prefabricated Steel Structures, Building and Warehouses, Building show room

START Date: 
January, 2007
END Date: 
May, 2008

·          Prepared and maintained project specific programs for all current projects.

·          Prepared procurement and engineering programs to ensure timely placement of applicable PO's and engineering submittals.

·          Requested and followed-up with subcontractors and suppliers programs to ensure timely delivery of all material and civil access dates as required by overall program.

·          Assisted the project managers by providing resource plans for the required execution phases.

·          Prepared weekly and monthly progress updates for all project phases and submit a planning report to the project manager.

·          Grouped all progress figures and areas of concern of each project in a brief report to be submitted to the management for project review and necessary actions.

·          Prepared an overall loading charts and forecasting the resources distribution.

·          Prepared weekly and monthly progress reports.

·          Attended regular progress and project review meetings.