Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Planning Engineer, Simplex Concrete Piles (I) Ltd ,India, Ash Handling System,C W Pump house, Fore bay,Open Approach Channel of 1 km length

START Date: 
April, 2004
END Date: 
April, 2005
  • i) Preparation of Master Constrution Programme for client as well as for internal purpose to monitor & to achieve the mile stones and for planning of the resources.
  • ii) Liaison / Coordinating with the client/ consultant’s management team along with the project manager to sort out the major constraints and to obtain the approval of the programme
  •  iii) Preparing the trade wise labour histogram as per the planned programme.
  •  iv) To attend weekly co-ordination meetings and fortnightly progress meetings with all sub contractors.
  • v) Monitoring the progress as the planned programme and revising the programme to reflect site progress/delay if any.
  • vi) Preparing the progress reports,bar charts & S-curves
  • vii) Advising the project in-charge on progress and critical/delay issues.
  • viii) Follow up the release of drawings and site possession as per the programme.
  • ix) Planning, assigning and monitoring the resources.
  • x) Preparation and submitting of Three months Rolling programme based on available drawings, Front and Material for client and head office and updating, monitoring  the same.
  • xi) Preparation Reports based on planned programme and about constraints

Other Responsibilities

I. Reviewing the contract agreements for claiming extra items, for Escalation and following the technical specification for execution works.
II. Costing: Costing for up to the month, for coming three months and finding out the components of material, labour , Plant & Machinery and Finding out the item wise profit /loss for taking corrective measures /tendering process.